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UNIT-I PART-A (2 Marks) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. List two advantages of layering principle in computer networks.

Suggest two points to improve the performance of network. Define protocol. Define standards. Define multiplexing and Demultiplexing. Define network. What are the criteria for networks for networks? Define point to point and Multi point. 9. What is bit pattern? How does NRZ-L differ from NRZ-I? What are header and trailers and how do they get added and removed? 10. The t ransport l aye r c r e a t e s a c o m m u n i c a t i o n bet w e en t h e source and destination. What are the three events involved in a connection? 11. Why are standards needed? 12. Explain the different layers in the OSI model. 13. Discuss the role of network layer in OSI model. 14. Explain the physical layer in OSI model. 15. What are the responsibilities of data link layer? 16. Mention the types of errors. 17. What is redundancy? 18. Define checksum. 19. List out the available detection methods. 20. What is the purpose of hamming code? 21. Define flow control. 22. What is a buffer? 23. Mention the categories of flow control. 24. What is the function of stop and wait flow control? 25. Mention the advantage and disadvantage of stop and wait flow control. 26. Define HDLC. 27. List the types of stations is HDLC. 28. Define a standard 802.3 29. List the most command kinds of Base band 802.3 LAN. 30. Mention the different kinds of Ethernet networks. 31. Write short notes on FDDI. 32. What is piggy backing? 33. Name the four types of S-frames? 34. Name the five categories of U-frames? PART-B 1. Explain the OSI-ISO model I of computer with neat diagram. 2. Compare connection oriented and connection less service. 3. Perform a comparative study between the ISO-OSI model and TCP/IP referencemodel.

4. Write short notes on. a. GO Back NARQ b. Selective Repeat ARQ 5. (i) Explain Hamming code technique to correct single bit error with an example. 6. (ii) Explain numbering of frames in i. GO Back NARQ, ii. Selective Repeat ARQ protocols. 7. Discuss in detail about the Byte- oriented Protocols(PPP), Bit oriented Protocols (HDLC) and SONET.

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