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Introduction to Leadership

1. Analyze definitions of leadership 2. Discuss the contributions of agricultural education and the FFA to leadership development 3. Evaluate myths about leaders and leadership
Leadership Committee May 2007

What is leadership?
Leadership is the ability to move or influence others toward achieving individual group goals. Leadership is the courage to admit mistakes, the vision to welcome change, the enthursiasm to stay out of step when everyone else is marching in the wrong direction.

Leadership in Agriculture Education and FFA

Parliamentary procedure Conducting meetings Chapter officers Managing financial resources Work ethis Committee participation Social skills Citizenship skills FFA Creed Speaking Prepared public speaking

Where Do You

Fit In The Picture?

Leadership is
A desire to make a difference Being credible
Direction, achievement, and cohesiveness Honest, inspiring, competent

A set of practices

Modeling behavior, enabling others, encouraging, shared vision

5 Competencies Common to Super Leaders

Vision Communication Persistency Empowerment Organization learning

(A study by Warren Bennis, book - More Power to You,

Mother Teresa

Leadership Quotes
Few men (or women) are born leaders. Leadership is achieved by ability, alertness, experience and keeping posted; by willingness to accept responsibility; a knack for getting along with people; an open mind and a head that stays clear under stress. E. F. Girard

Even if youre on the right track, youll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers Gumption is that stuff on the end of a coon dogs nose that lets him/her know which tree the coon is in! J. W. Fanning Our greatest want in life is somebody wholl make us do what we can. J. W. Fanning

A leaders is best when people barely know he/she exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him/her, worst when they despise him/her. Fail to honor people, and they will fail to honor you; but of a good leader, who talks little, when his/her work is done, his/her aim fulfilled, they will say, we did this ourselves. Lao-Tse, Chinese Philosopher, 2500 years ago

Myths About Leadership

There is little knowledge about leadership. All leaders are born with unique qualities. Leaders make all the groups decisions. All leaders are popular, charismatic individuals.

To lead requires election or appointment. It is a rare skill. Leaders control, direct and produce. Leadership exists only at the top (a high position in an organization).

About leadership
Difficult to define Need to understand the concept of leadership and traits of good leadership Many leadership traits and characteristics can be developed through the FFA

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.

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