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Trade Name(s) Diprivan

Short-acting hypnotic. Mechanism of action is unknown. Produces amnesia. Has no analgesic properties.
herapeutic Effect(s): Induction and maintenance of anesthesia.

Induction of general anesthesia in children >3 yr and adults. Maintenance of balanced anesthesia when used with other agents in children >2 mo and adults. Initiation and maintenance of monitored anesthesia care (MAC). Sedation of intubated, mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care units (ICUs).
CNS: dizziness, headache. Resp: APNEA, cough. CV: bradycardia, hypotension, hypertension. GI: abdominal cramping, hiccups, nausea, vomiting. Derm: flushing. Local: burning, pain, stinging, coldness, numbness, tingling at IV site, . MS: involuntary muscle movements, perioperative myoclonia. GU: discoloration of urine (green).


General Anesthesia IV (Adults <55 yr): Induction40 mg q 10 sec until induction achieved (22.5 mg/kg total). Maintenance100200 mcg/kg/min. Rates of 150200 mcg/kg/min are usually required during first 1015 min after induction, then by 3050% during first 30 min of maintenance. Rates of 50100 mcg/kg/min are associated with optimal recovery time. May also be given intermittently in increments of 2550 mg..
Assess respiratory status, pulse, and BP continuously throughout propofol therapy. Frequently causes apnea lasting 60 sec. Maintain patent airway and adequate ventilation. Propofol should be used only by individuals experienced in endotracheal intubation, and equipment for this procedure should be readily available. Monitor for propofol infusion syndrome

Inform patient that this medication will decrease mental recall of the procedure. May cause drowsiness or dizziness. Advise patient to request assistance prior to ambulation and transfer and to avoid driving or other activities requiring alertness for 24 hr following administration. Advise patient to avoid alcohol or other CNS depressants without the advice of a health care professional for 24 hr following administration.

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