Digestive System Diseases

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Ricamata, Elijah 2-N


Diseases 1) Constipation

Description This happens when a person excretes waste less frequently in longer periods(3 days or more) of time than the usual( everyday/every 2 days). Crater-like sores formed in the lining of the stomach near the duodenum. This happens when there is a very high amount/secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This happens when a muscle in your esophagus(peristalsis) is not working or disfunctions. Also known as indigestion, which gives pain in the upper abdomen area. Gallstones are formed when bile solidifies in the gallbladder. Bile isnt utilized since its solid. Inflammation of the appendix. Appendix bursts, spilling out harmful substances in the body. Inflammation of the lining in the stomach. Can be acute or chronic. Like gastritis but the intestines are also inflamed/irritated. A tumor is developed in the lining/inner wall of the colon which may extend to the rectum. Also known as Colorectal Cancer.

Affected Structures Colon/Large Intestine Rectum Anus

2) Ulcer

3) Hyperacidity

Stomach Cardiac/Pyloric Sphincter Stomach Esophagus


Stomach Esophagus stomach

5) Dyspepsia

6) Gallstones

Gallbladder Small intestine Liver Large Intestine Rectum Both Sphincters Stomach

7) Appendicitis

8) Gastritis

9) Gastroenteritis 10) Colon Cancer

Stomach Large/Small Intestine Colon Rectum

Source: http://www.webmd.com/

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