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Skill Irregular Verbs

Name: _________________________

Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs are verbs that do not change from the present
tense to the past tense in the regular way by ending with d or ed.
Examples: Sing = Sang Break = Broke
Directions: Circle the verb that completes each sentence. Then, rewrite each
sentence with the correct irregular verb.

1. Marty (blow, blew) out the candles last night.

2. The teacher (speak, spoke) to me yesterday before school.
3. Oops, I (break, broke) the flower vase!
4. We (take, took) the bus to school last week.
5. The police dog (come, came) into my classroom today.
6. Last night, we (give, gave) money to the homeless shelter.
7. A big yellow bird (fly, flew) over my head.
Language - Verbs

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