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Speaking about cartoons

Phase 1 Describing
Give a precise description of the cartoon. The setting (if any) The different elements in the cartoon. ON the right/left AT the top / bottom IN the foreground / background In the top right-hand corner etc. The characters: Do you recognize any famous personality? How is the personality represented? If not what can you imagine about the characters (job? Social status etc. ) he must be could be The action: what are the various characters doing? Are there any symbols / stereotypes? Are the characters speaking? Is the meaning clear to you? Is there a caption? Is there anything interesting in the cartoon from a graphical/artistic point of view?

Phase 2 Referring / connoting

Which event does the cartoon refer to? Is there a precise news story related to it? Is it immediately visible when you discover the cartoon?

Phase 3 Interpreting
What is the cartoonists message? What does he want the reader to understand? What is the tone of the cartoon? Serious / not serious / humouristic / emotional / critical/ satirical / caricatural / exaggerated Is the cartoonist biased / unbiased?

Phase 4 Your opinion

Was it easy for you to understand the message precisely? Do you agree with the cartoonist? Do you think you could find the same cartoon in a French newspaper? Do you like this cartoon? Why? Why not?

Valrie Jouillat

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