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Reading Strategies Metacognitive Journal

Strategy Predict: Make a smart guess about whats going to happen next Clarify: Look closer when something is confusing Quotation I grabbed a cookie and poured some lemonade into a dixie cup and then turned around. A boy was staring at me. My Response When I first read this, I knew the main character, Hazel, would have some relationship in the future with this boy because Hazel is not a very social person. I think that in the end of the book, Hazel will have some relationship with this boy in the future. This was the first time that a GED test was mentioned in this book. It really confused me because I had no idea what a GED test was. So I decided to look it up and I found out that a GED test means that it is a General Education Diploma test. It is a test administered by the American Council of Education that is considered a high-school equivalency exam. This makes more sense now because Hazel was talking about how she received her GED and now I understand what she was talking about. I imagined this scene with a huge room with a pure oak wood shelf that had a glass window that allowed you to view the basketball trophies. I immediately imagined Guss room as a very rich, well decorated room. I thought that it was a quiet place that he would come in to escape from the outside world, and it just allowed him to be himself.

He wasnt on the GED test. I smiled, trying to contain my excitement.

Visualize: Imagine a picture or movie in your mind as you read

Ask Questions: Ask questions to learn more

I followed him down carpeted stairs to a huge basement bedroom. A shelf at my eye level reached all the way around the room, and it was stuffed solid with basketball memorabilia: dozens of trophies with gold plastic men midjump shot or dribbling or reaching for a layup toward an unseen basket. Depression is a side effect of dying.

Make Isaac and I Connections: communicated almost Connect exclusively through sighs.

This was said in the very first paragraph of the first chapter in this book. I had many questions that went through my mind as soon as I read this. Was Hazel suffering from depression? Was someone she knew/or was related to suffering from depression? Was depression even a main idea in this book? I really hope that my questions will be answered soon in this book. When I first read this, it reminded me of two best friends and how they communicate to each other. Isaac and Hazel can practically

what youre reading to something else

Each time someone discussed anticancer diets or snorting groupdup shark fin or whatever, hed glance over at me and sigh ever so slightly. Id shake my head microscopically and exhale in response.

read each other and what they are thinking by just a simple sigh and a shake of the head. This reminded me of best friends because two people that are emotionally close to each other, can tell what the other friend is thinking just by their facial emotions.

Summarize: Retell what happened in the story so far

Sixteen-year-old Hazel Grace Lancaster was diagnosed with cancer at a younger age, but she is now diagnosed with depression. Since she is diagnosed with depression, her mom signed her up for a weekly Support Group. But Hazel thinks that this support group is stupid and she hates it there. The Support Group for cancer kids is held in the basement of an Episcopal church. But at one meeting, Hazel met a friend. His name was Augustus Waters. Soon enough they both started hanging out and Hazel started to fall in love with Augustus. One day they decided to read the other persons favorite book. Hazels favourite book to read was Imperial Affliction, and Agustuss favorite book to read was The Price of Dawn. The thing that really intrigued both Agustus and Hazel with the Imperial Affliction was that it just ended half way through the last chapter. The ending is unfinished, and no one knows how it ends. So they both decide to email the author of that book, but he only responds to Augustus, which upsets Hazel Grace. During this time Isaac has surgery which removes his sight. (Isaac is a friend of Hazel and Augustus from the Support Group.)

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