Nov12 2012

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12, 2012

NR # 2921

Solons bat for scholarship grants for molder of the youth

In line with the policy of the state to provide access to free education to public school teachers, two solons proposed to institutionalize the grant of scholarships to these public mentors. Rep. Diosdado Macapagal Arroyo (2nd District, Camarines Sur) said the scholarship grants to public school teachers will give them high morale and self-esteem. Providing the youth with education highlights the overwhelming importance of public school teachers in molding the character of our students. But there is is still a need to uplift the personal integrity of teachers by extending them proper recognition and the corresponding benefits they deserve, Arroyo said. Arroyo and his mother, Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (2nd District, Pampanga) filed House Bill 6598 which also provides scholarship grants to the children of public school teachers. Under the bill, public school teachers who are in active service shall be eligible to avail of the scholarship grants to enroll in any masteral or post graduated course. The bill requires that prior to the date of application for the grant, the public school teacher should have been in active duty for at least two consecutive years, the younger Arroyo said. Legitimate children of these qualified public school teachers can avail of the scholarship grants covering preschool, elementary, secondary, as well as tertiary education. The measure allows retired public school teachers to avail of the scholarship grant for their children but such shall be entitled only to a proportional amount of the scholarship grant. The scholarship grant is applicable in all public schools and state universities throughout the country and children of public school teachers qualify for the scholarship only upon passing all the requirements set by the respective schools. Public school teachers forfeit their eligibility to avail of the scholarship grant if they are charged and proven to have committed acts of professional misconduct as well as their eligibility to avail of the grant for their children as provided under the bill. (30) mvip

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