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Central Idea: Communities work together for mutual benefit.

Accepting responsibiliy I did not complete tasks that I have started. I have not done my part. I didnt take on and share responsibility. I was unable to listen to others. I did not respect others opinions and perspectives.

Community: Stop Motion Animation COMMUNITY TRAINEE

I tried to complete tasks that I had started. I attempted to do my part. With guidance I took on and shared responsibility. I attempted to listen to others. I tried to make fair decisions. With guidance I listened to other peoples opinions and perspectives.

I completed tasks that I had started. I did my part. I took and shared responsibilities. I was a listener. I often made fair decisions. I took into account other peoples opinions and perspectives. I was careful not to hurt other peoples feelings when I expressed my opinions. I worked well in groups. I was polite and kind to the other members of the group. I shared with others and took turns.

I completed all tasks that I had started and helped others complete theirs. I did my part and more. I took on and shared responsibilities. I was a caring listener. I always made fair decisions. I took into account other peoples opinions and perspectives. I was careful not to hurt feelings when I expressed my opinions. I always worked well in groups. I was very polite and kind to the other members of the group. I shared with the others and took turns.

How do communities succeed

Respecting others


I was unable to work in a group. I was not polite or kind to the other members of my group.

I found it difficult to work in a group. I was sometimes polite and kind to the other members of the group.

Keara Levett

Monday, 12 November 2012 1:00:32 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Group decision making I was unable to listen to others, discuss ideas and ask questions. I did not join my group working towards a group agreement. I was unable to lead my group. I didnt follow anybody elses lead. I need to learn how to act responsibly in a group and adopt different roles. My community group had a mission statement and goals. My group had rules. My group had a planner.

I tried to listen to others, discuss ideas and ask questions. I attempted to work towards a group agreement. I attempted to lead my group. Sometimes, I followed somebody elses lead. I am learning how to act when I lead and when I follow. My community group had a clear mission statement and achievable goals. I followed some of the rules we had established. I planned my time efficiently.

I listened to others, discussed ideas and asked questions. I worked towards a group agreement Sometimes, I lead my group. Sometimes, I followed somebody elses lead. I knew how to act when I led and when I followed. My community had a clear mission statement and achieved some of our goals. I followed the rules we had established. I followed our planner.

I actively listened to others, discussed ideas and asked questions. I worked towards a group agreement cooperating well with other group members. Sometimes, I lead my group with confidence. Sometimes, I followed somebody elses lead and acted respectfully and responsibly. I knew how to act when I led and when I followed. My community had a clear mission statement and efficiently achieved all our goals. I followed the rules we had established and adapt them when necessary. I followed our planner and managed my time effectively.

How do communities organize

Keara Levett

Adopting a variety of group roles


How did my actions impact / affect my community? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Monday, 12 November 2012 1:00:32 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time

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