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5 Pillars of the Visual Workplace

An introduction to 5 S

1. The visual workplace vision 2. What is 5S? 3. Benefits of 5S 4. Expectations 5. Conclusion

1. The visual workplace vision

Zero defect is normal Standard procedures are clear Abnormalities are immediately detected There is nothing extra or unneeded. Waste is easily discovered

The visual workplace vision

Easy access tooling

Clean workplace and easy recognizable limits

The visual workplace vision

Clear workinstructions Machine Status

2. What is 5S?
It is NOT about just having a clean factory.

It is a tool to: - improve workplace safety - reduce waste - Improve work flow - ensure quality

The different steps...

S eiri S eiton S eiso S eiketsu S hitsuke

- Sort - Set in order - Shine - Standardise - Sustain

Pillar 1 : Sort Out

- Organisation Eliminate what is unneeded When in doubt, throw it out

Pillar 1 : Sort Out

Pillar 1 : Sort Out

Technique: Red-Tagging Identifying all unneeded items and remove them

Pillar 2 : Set in order

- Set limits & locations Determine a location for everything Improve lay-out and product flow Make it obvious when something is not in order

Pillar 2 : Set in order

Technique: Signboarding & Color Painting Using Signs
1 Labels 2 A Item ID


Shelf ID

TMME 6th European Suppliers Conference




Pillar 2 : Set in order

Using Color
In Japan, 12 colors are used as a standard



Pillar 3 : Shine

Clean everything and keep it clean

Cleaning detects abnormal conditions Cleaning works preventively

Pillar 3 : Shine

Technique: Define periodic and systematic cleaning activities (Eliminate all dirt, dust and scrap) Adapt cleaning as an inspection

- A clean and safe environment will be stimulating for everybody -

Pillar 4 : Standardise
Prevent fall-back of 3S, standardise 3S and maintain 3S Create guidelines and make these obvious

Pillar 4 : Standardise
Technique: Create standard operations (define best way of working):
Machining Operations Assembly Operations Maintenance Operations Changeover Operations Cleaning Operations

Use visual techniques

Pillar 4 : Standardise
Standard operation Sheet

Machine Status

N Location Method Criteria Action 1 Lub tank Wipe no lub Fill 2 Hyd tank Wipe no leak Tag 3 Mc body Brush no dirt 4 Mc base Brush no dirt 5 Liquid Wipe no leak Tag 6 Tank Wipe oil free 7 Oil pan empty oil free 8 Motor Wipe dust free 9 Shif t o o o o o o o Time Day o Week 2 wks Mo 2 2 1 3 4 1 2 1 A A A A A A A A Who

Pillar 5 : Sustain
- Self-discipline -

Continue 5S Assure that everyone follows the rules Make a habit of maintaining established procedures

Pillar 5 : Sustain
Technique: 5S Patrols, 5S Audits Training sessions & communication boards

We do not need 5S, were making enough money already... Were too busy! Why clean daily when it gets dirty again?

So,We already have a nice factory! what are the benefits?

We did 5S years ago! This is good for Japanese... The output will not increase with this!

The benefits:

Reduction of Defects Reduction of Waste

Higher Quality Lower costs Reliable Deliveries Improved Safety Higher Availability rate


Reduction of delays Reduction of Injuries Reduction of Breakdowns

4. Expectations

Involvement from top-management Active management participation Necessary resources Adequate follow-up

5. Conclusion
More severe market requirements Tighter deadlines Flexible manufacturing process

Foundation = 5S an easy step-by-step approach without big investment

There is nothing magical about it Just use common sense

Thank you

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