Maths Lesson Plan

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Pre service Teachers Name: Tamryn Kingsley School: Doncaster Gardens Primary School Year level: Prep VELS

Level: 1 Lesson Title: Numeracy Lesson Duration: 60 minutes Lesson Time and Date: 12.00 8/5/12

Lesson Aims Maths Lesson Bigger, Smaller and Equal. To give students an understanding of what the concepts bigger, smaller and equal means. Learning Outcomes (use appropriate curriculum framework) VELS Strands Domain/s Dimension/s Standard/s At Level 1, students form small sets of objects from simple descriptions and make simple Discipline-based Maths Number correspondences between those sets. They count the size of small sets using the numbers 0 to Learning 20. They use one-to-one correspondence to identify when two sets are equal in size and when
one set is larger than another. They form collections of sets of equal size. They use ordinal numbers to describe the position of elements in a set from first to tenth. They use materials to model addition and subtraction by the aggregation (grouping together) and disaggregation (moving apart) of objects. They add and subtract by counting forward and backward using the numbers from 0 to 20. Students use spoken language appropriately in a variety of classroom contexts. They ask and answer simple questions for information and clarification, contribute relevant ideas during class or group discussion and follow simple instructions. They listen to and produce brief spoken texts that deal with familiar ideas and information. They sequence main events and ideas coherently in speech, and speak at an appropriate volume and pace for listeners needs. They self-correct by rephrasing a statement or question when meaning is not clear.

Discipline-based Learning


Speaking & Listening

Interdisciplinary Learning Physical, Personal and Social Learning

No Standards at level 1 N/A

No Standards at level 1 N/A

No Standards at level 1 N/A

Childrens Prior Learning (what do the children already know/what have they covered?) Maths They understand numbers, however have not previously looked at the concepts bigger, smaller and equal. Teaching Skill Development (What do you want to develop as a teacher?) Better classroom behavior management. I want to develop effective communication in presenting the lesson. Increased confidence in conducting a lesson. Present clear instruction. Teaching and Learning Preparation (resources etc) Interactive Whiteboard for lesson beginning. Session Structure Lesson Phase Orientation /Introduction How best to motivate and explain the importance of this lesson? This should be for about 5 minutes with links to prior learning or experiences. Teaching strategy/Learning Activities What will support the students to learn the concepts you are trying to teach and to reach the learning outcomes? How will you cater for a diversity of learning needs? Conclusion /Closure How will you capture the main ideas of the lesson? Assessment Strategies What are the assessment strategies used throughout this lesson? These should be closely aligned to your lesson aims.

Use the interactive whiteboard and use 100s. Count in 2s and 10s. Then mark certain number to count from rather than counting from 1-20. Can then count backwards. Use the green and red paint tins to know where to start and stop. (15 minutes)

In a circle with the blocks introduce the concept of smaller. Build and show that I have 5 blocks and students are to the build smaller than. Repeat the process approx. 5 times building questions. Repeat for the concept of bigger. Then introduce the concept of equal to and get children to build blocks equal to what I have in my hand. (25-30 minutes)

Revisit the concepts of bigger, smaller and equal. (5 minutes) Assessment will be throughout the entire lesson. It will be based on ability to follow instruction and understanding of the concepts of bigger, smaller and equal to.

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