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First I would like to express my great thanks to The Almighty God, for blessing me, as a result this preproposal could be completely finished. My gratitude extend to my seminar lecturer Mr. Tika who had shared and given all of his knowledge to me during the lesson in the classroom. My gratitude extend to all of my beloved lecturers at Udayana University (Faculty of Letters), who had shared and given all of their knowledge to me during the lesson in the classroom. I would never forget all the values that I have learned and wish for the success future to all aof us. I am also gratefull to my parents, who have been a constant source of encouragement and financial support. Very special thanks are also forwarded to my best friends who have been helpful during the writing this proposal.

April 2012

TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Introduction 2. Problems of Study 3. Aims of Study 4. Scope of Discussion 5. Reaserch Method 5.1 Data Source 5.2 Technique of Collecting Data 5.3 Technique of Analyzing Data 6. Review of Literatures 7. Concepts 8. Theoretical Framework 9. Bibliography

1. Introduction Language has important role in our daily life. Language means a system of arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written, or gesture symbols that enable members of a given community to communicate intelligibly with one another. Language is used to express our minds or ideas and also as a verbal communication to build social interaction among the society. Teenagers, in their process of mastering English use several ways both formal and informal ways. The formal ways are done by learning at their school, by joining some courses, etc. The informal ways are done by imitating or acquiring it from surrounding. In this case teenagers have their own abilities to acquire English as a second language from social media on the internet. Many more social medias on the internet that they used, and one of the most popular social media on the internet is Facebook. The users of Facebook in Indoneesia is more than fourty million users. Because of the advancement of information technology, it is not only could be accessed from computers but also from mobile phone and they could access it everytime and everywhere they want. Nowdays, at least every adolescent has a Facebook account to communicate with their friends around the world. Frequently in their comments or their conversation on Facebook they used English and unconsciously it have increased their vocabularies from their comments and conversation on Facebook status that they have updated.

Therefore, based on those reasons, this study would discussing about acquisition of English by the teenagers as their second language from their interaction with social media on the internet especially Facebook.

2. Problems of Study Based on the introduction above, the problems would be focused in this study as follows: 1. What kinds of activities that are possible to do in using Facebook for teenagers in acquire English vocabulary? 2. What are the factors influencing in acquire English as a second language? 3. How is the process of acquiring English through Faceebook?

3. Aims of Study The aims of this study are: 1. To describe the activities that are possible to do in using Facebook for teenagers in acquire English vocabulary. 2. To describe the factors influencing in acquire English as a second language. 3. To analyze the process of acquiring English through Facebook.

4. Scope of Discussion The discussion about Second Language Acquisition is too wide therefore, this study would be specific and limited topic. This study would

be limited to the teenagers in Denpasar, who used Facebook as their social media communication, because there are many more social media on the internet. The scope of discussion are specified into three main discussions below: 1. The activities that are possible to do in using Facebook for teenagers in acquire English vocabulary. 2. The factors influencing in acquire English as a second language. 3. The process of acquiring English through Facebook.

4. Reaserch Method 5.1 Data Source The data of this research would be taken from two elements, and those elements are Primary Data and Secondary Data. A. Primary Data Primary data would be discussed on this paper as the first data source. It would be taken from direct observation to teenagers in Denpasar who they are use Facebook as their social media to communicate with their friends in Denpasar city or their friends around the world. Specifically the English conversations among the users on Facebook because from these conversations, they could acquire many more English as their second language to communicate with one others

B. Secondary Data Secondary data would be taken from any research based on secondary sources, specifically other reference books related to Second Language Acquisition.

5.2 Technique of Collecting Data The data would be collected by observation, interviewing, and note taking from their conversation. 5.3 Technique of Analyzing Data 5. Review of Literatures 6. Concepts 7. Theoretical Framework 8. Bibliography

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