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Created and Implemented by the 1989-1990 BBC Board of Directors Steve and Linda Wingo, Co-Presidents

Revised 2012 -2013, Joel Megginson, BBC Board President

"Purer in heart, O God, help me to be. May I devote my life wholly to Thee. Watch Thou my wayward feet, Guide me with counsel sweet. Purer in heart, help me to be."


of Contents

1. Mission 3 2

2.The Board of 4 3.Chorister 5 4....................................Staff Requirements and Job Descriptions page 6 5.Membership 7 6........................................................................Withdrawal Policy page 8
7. Parent Volunteer Point System................................pages 9 & 10

8................................................Chorister Attendance Regulations page 11 9.................................................................BBC Chorister Officers page 12 10............................................................Organizational Structure page 13 11...................................................List of Financial Requirements page 14 12...........................................................................Uniform Policy page 15
13..........................................................................................................................Music Camps

page 15 14.........................................................................Discipline Policy page 16

15...................................................................................BBC Theory Training Scheme

page 17 16...............................................................Enrollment Agreement page 18

Current Chorister Roster will be available at the BBC Parent Group Site.

Mission Statement
The objective of the Birmingham Boys Choir is to encourage a life-long appreciation of the vital role which music and the arts play in the enrichment of our culture and the human spirit among members of the BBC, their families, audiences and the community at large. The Birmingham Boys Choir seeks to accomplish this objective in the following ways: To identify talented boys in the greater Birmingham area and to provide an organization in which they can develop their gifts by teaching them the best possible vocal technique and music reading skills. To encourage the family unit by reinforcing gentlemanly behavior, good manners, personal responsibility, positive time management, commitment, dedication and joy. To provide local, national and international audiences a unique musical experience of the boychoir sound at an excellent level of choral performance. To develop generations of future leaders in the Birmingham community who fully appreciate the value of discipline, professionalism, integrity, team work and the importance of the arts in our culture.

Train ye up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22: 6

Executive Officers and Board of Directors of the 2012 -2013 Birmingham Boys Choir Foundation

President Secretary/Parliamentarian Treasurer VP/Development VP/ Administration VP/Special Projects VP/Publicity, Technology

(2011-2013) Joel Megginson (2011-2013) Julie Ogard (2012-2014) A.J. DAlessandro (2011-2013) Mark Midyette (2011-2013) Laurie White (2012-2014) Phyllis Pelham (2011-2013) Michael Rumore

Current Board of Directors of the Birmingham Boys Choir

Class of 2015 Corey Bush Denise Dow Lara Guin Mark Jackson Tom McLeod Mary Rooney Austin Suellentrop Sandy Wright Class of 2013 Phyllis Pelham Julie Ogard Joel Megginson Michael Rumore Laurie White 6 (to be added) 7 (to be added) 8 (to be added) Class of 2014 David Arias AJ DAlessandro Mark Midyette Lee Yeilding 5 (to be added) 6 (to be added) 7 (to be added) 8 (to be added)

B O A R D M E E T I N G S C H E D U L E F O R 2012-2013
First Quarter Full Board Meeting (July, August, September) Sunday, Sep. 9, 2012 3:00 4:30 Second Quarter Full Board Meeting (October, November, December) Monday, Oct. 8, 2012 5:30 7:00 Third Quarter Full Board Meeting (January, February, March) Sunday, January 6, 2013 3:00 4:30 Fourth Quarter Full Board Meeting (April, May, June)

Monday, April 8, 2013 5:30 7:00 Year End Meeting Sunday, June 23, 2013 3:00 5:30 Meeting Location: BBC Office at Covenant Presbyterian General Board meetings are open to all parents. Please call the Business Director for specific information and scheduled times and locations.

Chorister Guidelines
The maturing process is in many ways a culmination of habits. The successful adult is a product of the careful cultivation of good personal habits and the ability to correct and avoid bad habits. Bearing that in mind, the following policies are the responsibility of each individual chorister within the Birmingham Boys Choir organization. It is the combined effort of the chorister, his parents and family and the Choirmaster and staff of the BBC to work to teach these policies and their inherent attitudes and values to each chorister. 1. Even though we are not a liturgical organization, we do acknowledge and operate with a dedication to our Creator. We strive to teach our choristers Biblical values and Christian principles of honor, integrity, kindness, truth, diligence, respect, reverence and joy. 2. This is a one-semester commitment. If for any reason a boy cannot fulfill the requirements of his membership, he must first directly contact the choirmaster to review the situation before taking any action to withdraw from the choir. (please see Withdrawal Policy on pages 7&8) 3. Attending the requisite number (as determined by the director) of rehearsals is of the utmost importance. Please plan carefully so that nothing takes precedence over attending rehearsals and concert performances. What a wonderful tool for teaching responsibility and commitment to our children! (please see Chorister Attendance Policy on page 11) 4. Rehearsal technique is important. Rehearsal technique is that combination of good vocal production habits and musical attitudes of eagerness and diligence. Selfdiscipline and attention to the instructor are of paramount importance. 5. PUNCTUALITY IS PIVOTAL! If you can't be on time, then be early! Take care of necessary details (pencils, papers, music, bathroom, etc.) before the rehearsal begins. 6. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING! Be an eager chorister; eager to learn, to do it right the first time and better each consecutive time! Practice is meaningful repetition of a skill to create the best possible final product. 7. WEEKLY MEMOS: There will be no weekly memo sent home from Rehearsal. Weekly Memos will be posted on our GOOGLE GROUP. Parents will be invited to join this group. In doing so, parents will have access to the Memos, Forms, Letters, the Current Roster and this Handbook. These memos are from the staff or Board to the


Staff Requirements and Job Descriptions

1. The Music Director and Resident Composer: - selects, procures and rehearses music appropriate for all Senior Chorister and ATB ensembles - prepares performances consistent with the accepted quality of music for the BBC - is available for recruiting to be done in area schools/churches/civic organizations - is available for development meetings and Board meetings - is available to arrange and provide performances in the area in appropriate venues - is responsible for all music tours and other concerts where travel is required - approves and assists in managing content for the BBC Website and Facebook - reports to the Board on activities - is available to participate in donor appointments -recognizes the Boards overall personnel Management oversight, is responsible for day to day managerial activities over all staff positions including duties to be performed, hours worked, etc. - writes and produces music appropriate to all ensembles of the BBC - is the lead in planning and organizing tour activities - collects Enrollment Forms, Information Sheets, and Medical Forms, copies them and provides copies to the Music Director and Associate Music Director

2. The Assistant Music Director and Accompanist: - works in concert with the Music Director and is responsible for selecting, procuring and preparing all music for the Junior Choristers of the BBC - accompanies all assigned performances of the Senior Choristers of the BBC - manages and coordinates the Music Assistants and Theory Program of the Junior Choristers, - until a development Director is hired, is responsible for acknowledgement letters sent to donors - manages the music library - is the lead in planning and organizing Summer and Winter Camp - is responsible for collecting all tuition and fees - manages and accounts for all donations and gets this information to the Development Director - reports financials to the Board President at least monthly - reports financials to the full Board at each Board meeting - is responsible for the Weekly Memo - assists the Music Director in tour planning

3. The Business Director: - keeps accurate records of attendance and compliance of choristers and families - answers/manages all mail of the Birmingham Boys Choir - provides appropriate support materials for the Board members and parent Volunteers to do their jobs and reports at regular Board meetings - provides administrative and secretarial assistance to the Music Director, Associate Music Director and Development Director - works with the Development Director and provides assistance with compiling information, drafting grant applications, and other fund-raising functions - is responsible for the Annual Ad Booklet and Ad Tour Account -collects and reposts to the Board scholarship requests -compiles the Roster and Handbook -4. Music Assistants - are to provide theory instruction as needed - are to sing with the choir in concert performance as needed - are responsible for sectional rehearsals and sight-singing training - assist with Music Camps as needed

Chorister Membership Requirements and Withdrawal Policy

Membership in the BIRMINGHAM BOYS CHOIR is based on an audition and interview with the choirmaster. Membership is open to all boys from 3rd 12th grade. Members are chosen without regard to race, creed or economic status. Auditions run throughout the year. Enrollment is by semester. Auditions must be arranged by appointment with the Choirmaster, the boy and one or both parents. A certain level of musical ability must be evident for consideration as a member of the BBC. This does not mean there must have been prior musical training, it simply means that there must be a degree of musical talent evident, regardless of the degree of training prior to enrollment. Membership is continued by virtue of yearly Enrollment Agreements. Choristers and their families must accept the responsibilities for all music fees, uniforms, and tuitions. They must also be responsible for all rehearsals and performances in the choir's Concert Season. The Board of Directors of the BBC does have the right to withdraw membership in the choir for any chorister who does not fulfill the responsibilities of the

organization, based on the recommendation of the Music Directors and staff. This may include a lack of good rehearsal technique, repeated failure to regularly attend rehearsals, consistent tardiness to rehearsal, failure to comply with the financial obligations of the Choir, or failure to attend concerts or performances. ( continued ) Should the situation warrant, the chorister and his family may withdraw from the choir by adhering to the Withdrawal Policy. The Withdrawal Policy states that should a situation arise that will require a boy to withdraw from the choir prior to the completion of his contract, the Board of Directors of the BBC requests that BBC Withdrawal Form (See pg. 8 of Handbook) be completed in full by the parent and sent to the Music Directors and Business Director as soon as this decision has been reached. Such occasions for withdrawal include, but are not limited to, a transfer due to a change in employment, a prolonged illness or some other unforeseen circumstance. Since the BBC Boards annual budget is based on receiving monthly tuition from all choristers, should a chorister choose to withdraw from the choir, his family is responsible for fulfilling their financial commitment for that semester unless another chorister can take his place and complete the semesters contract. While it is important that our boys learn the importance of fulfilling a commitment, we also want to be sympathetic to legitimate reasons that would preclude such drastic action as withdrawing from the choir. Too, we would expect that parents would help their boy to prioritize extra-curricular activities and not allow some later activity to replace the previous commitment. We ask that membership in the BBC not be used as a tool for discipline of a child. Too many people are affected for this action to be part of a punishment unless that understanding has been in place from the beginning. In fairness to all involved, the music directors are not the only persons who needs to know if a chorister withdraws from the choir. Should such a situation arise, the Board of Directors of the BBC would request that the form below be detached, completed in full by the parent and sent as soon as a decision of this magnitude has been reached. All correspondence should be directed to the Choirmaster, (Mr. or Mrs. Ken Berg) and the Business Director (Mrs. Susan Simon) at the home address of the Birmingham Boys Choir: 3205 Monte DEste Way, Birmingham, Alabama 35216. ____(detach here, please and mail to the Business Director)____

BBC Withdrawal Form

Chorister Name:____________________________ 1) We regret that our situation is such that we must withdraw from the BBC organization before our contract is completed. 2) We will return all BBC material to Mr. Berg within one (1) week of the date on this form. (i.e. BBC robe, folder, rented uniform shirt etc.)

3) We understand that the Board of Directors creates their yearly budget with our monthly tuition included and we will fulfill our financial commitment for this semester unless the situation is such that another chorister can take our place and complete our contract. Choristers Signature:_________________________Date:________ Parents Signature:___________________________Date:________

BBC Parental Volunteer Point System

The BBC Board would like to welcome you to another fine year of music and celebration. As you know, all music instruction and theory are taught by our paid staff. Many other administrative and technical duties must be done by parent volunteers. The BBC could not operate smoothly without parental involvement and support. In order to facilitate the various responsibilities and balance the amount of work required, we are instituting a point system. Volunteer points will be based on the highest level of chorister in each family as follows: Senior Junior 100 points/year 75 points/year

OPTION 1: If you would rather just donate $125.00 for your VOLUNTEER POINTS donation to the BBC by Sept 15, you will NEVER be called upon to volunteer for ANYTHING! OPTION 2: All points will be accrued beginning with Summer Camp in July and must be completed by the last rehearsal prior to the Spring Concert in May. Any points not acquired must be paid off at the rate of $1.00 per point prior to the Spring Concert. ** Points are to be awarded by the VP of Administration ** Any adult family member may work to acquire points. ** Points can only be accrued for the current year. ** Opportunities to volunteer will be made available throughout the year and will be publicized in the weekly memos. However, it will help the BBC greatly if each family would commit to one or two committees at the beginning of the year (August). We invite each family to monitor at the rehearsals during the year, earning 25 points each time.

On the following page, please find a list of the various committees and their point values. Please note that in many cases the committee chairman fulfills all points by successfully fulfilling his/her responsibilities.

BBC Parental Volunteer Point System

Chorister Attendance Regulations

1. The goal is to have no absences. Attendance is carefully kept and parents will be notified if/when attendance (and/or punctuality) becomes an issue. Please do not miss Boys Choir for birthday parties or for doing homework. Although the choir does not monitor the reason for absences, the allowed absences are intended to cover illness and other emergencies. 2. Please bear in mind that choristers are expected to attend every performance and, to that end, absences from performances will be counted against their attendance requirements. See #4 - 6 below for further details. 3. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE DIRECTOR IF YOUR SON CANNOT ATTEND A REHEARSAL. 4. As stated previously, continued membership in the Choir is dependent upon regular rehearsal attendance. If a chorister does not attend the requisite number (determined by the director) of rehearsals during one semester, his membership in the choir is forfeited unless an extenuating circumstance, including extended illness or a death in the family, is submitted in writing to the Board of Directors, care of the Board President. When the director determines there are excessive absences in one semester, a letter will go home listing the absences and dates and stating the number of remaining absences allowed. If that number of absences is accrued, the Board will ask that membership in the choir be forfeited, unless there is an extenuating circumstance as described above. Responsibility for such action will be assumed by the Board of Directors, not by Mr. or Mrs. Berg. 5. As previously stated, performance attendance (i.e. concerts, weddings, and church services) is a requirement. Participation in out of town performances (including possible overseas travel for summer tours in odd-numbered years) is required for Chamber Choristers and encouraged for Senior and Graduate Choristers. 6. If a chorister cannot attend a given performance, we need to know in writing at least 2 weeks prior to the concert (email is fine, but it still needs to be 2 weeks prior). Performance absences of which we have been notified 2 weeks in advance will be counted as one absence. Should the choirmaster not be notified of a performance absence, it will be counted as 3 absences. If a chorister is ill on the day of a concert, please call Mr. Berg at 978-9055 to notify him of the absence of the chorister. This will

result in 1 absence if the director is notified, and 3 absences if no notice is given. 7. Please refer to the BBC Website and Weekly memo for Rehearsal Schedule and details throughout the season. 8. There will be two (2) Saturday rehearsals scheduled immediately prior to the Christmas and Spring concerts. The exact dates and rehearsal times will appear in the Parent Memos.

BBC Chorister Officers

The Chorister Officers of the BBC are listed below. They are expected to reflect the highest standards of good rehearsal technique and dedication to the BBC. If at any time their performance of their duties falls below the acceptable standard, they can be replaced by the Choirmaster and staff of the BBC.

The Head Choristers

Each of the Head Choristers is in charge of one section of the Senior Choristers. The section leaders are directly responsible to these Head Choristers who, in turn, are directly responsible to the Senior Head Chorister, if applicable. Their responsibilities are to make sure that the roll is accurately taken and to provide proper leadership by effort and example throughout their term in the BBC. The Head Choristers are also usually graduating eighth graders who have contributed several years to the organization and have proven themselves to be responsible and dedicated members of the BBC organization. These positions are appointed by the Choirmaster at Summer Camp, based on recommendations of the other BBC staff.

Section Leaders
When applicable, Section Leaders are assigned within each section of the BBC. The section leaders are responsible for taking roll and accounting for each chorister within his section for all rehearsals and performances. He is directly responsible to his Head Chorister and is expected to lead his choristers by example to develop the highest of rehearsal technique standards.

Organizational Structure of the BBC

The 2012 2013 Birmingham Boys Choir will be divided into FIVE (5) organizations:

The BBC Junior Choristers

The Junior Choristers are usually the 3 rd thru 5th grade members of the choir. They work very hard on developing good vocal skills, music reading and rehearsal technique. Junior Choristers must reapply to be considered for membership in any of the BBC ensembles for the following year. Junior Choristers must attend Tuesday evening theory classes and begin to work on completing at least the first level of the BBC Training Scheme.

The BBC Senior Choristers

The Senior Choristers are basically 5th thru 8th grade members of the choir. They are the primary performance ensemble of the choir. Performances may be local or out of town, and every Senior Chorister is expected to attend. Membership in this ensemble is determined by a combination of good work ethic, good attitude and level of skill development. In odd-numbered years, the Senior Choristers will serve as the Tour Choir for the BBC.

The BBC Graduate Choristers

The graduate choristers are high school age boys, most of whom have graduated from the choir and have returned to sing with expanded musical responsibilities. They are responsible for all performances and travel with the Senior Choristers.

The BBC Chamber Choristers

This SATB ensemble is selected by the Music Staff and is responsible for all of the Senior Chorister musical material, rehearsal schedule and performances as well as their own separate musical material, rehearsal schedule and performances.

The BBC Continuo Choristers

This TTBB ensemble is also selected by the Music Staff and is responsible for all of the Senior Chorister musical material, rehearsal schedule and performances as well as their own separate musical material, rehearsal schedule and performances.

2012 -2013 BBC Financial Requirements

The following fees are required for membership in the Birmingham Boys Choir: 1) Monthly Tuition: Senior Choristers - $80 per month for 10 months (Aug.-May) Junior Choristers - $65 per month for 10 months Graduate Assistants - $50 per month for 10 months *Tuition is due by the first rehearsal of each month *You may pay for an entire semester at once and receive a 10% discount on tuition only. This discount excludes music, robe/uniform fees, and camp fees. In order to receive the discount, this total must be paid during the months of August and/or January. It is the responsibility of the payee to deduct the discount from the tuition payment. *The BBC Board structures their yearly budget upon receiving monthly tuition from all enrolled choristers. Should a chorister choose to withdraw from the choir, the choristers family is responsible for fulfilling their financial commitment for the semester unless another chorister can take his place and complete the semesters contract. *If an account is not paid in full, or other arrangements have not been made with the business director or board president by the time of the final concert in a semester, the chorister may not participate in the concert at the end of that semester. 2) Summer Camp Fee: $260 (for Senior Choristers and Graduate Choristers, including those Graduate Choristers. Graduate Chorister who serve as proctors at summer camp pay 50%. 3) Winter Camp Fee: $50 (for Senior Choristers and Graduate Choristers)

4) Music Fees: $45 per semester, payable in August and January 5) Robe Maintenance / Uniform Fee: $20.00 per year plus an additional $40.00 to rent the uniform shirt from the BBC. When a chorister outgrows a shirt, he may exchange his current shirt for a larger size, or in the case of the chorister leaving the choir, a 50% of the shirt deposit of $40.00 will be refunded, provided the shirt is returned to the BBC in good condition. 6) Performance Uniform: Please see separate sheet concerning uniforms 7) Concert Tour and other out-of-town performances: To be determined In the odd-numbered years, the Senior choristers will represent the BBC on a summer concert tour. The BBC Board of Directors will endeavor to raise money to cover a certain portion of this trip. Also, the Ad book fundraiser is specifically designed to assist choristers in raising money for tour and other out of town performances. The balance of the trip cost (after the Board contribution and the ad fundraiser) is to be covered by each individual chorister attending the trip.

For the sake of professional appearance, the Board of Directors of the Birmingham Boys Choir has established specific uniforms. All boys are expected to be in well-fitting concert uniforms at all performances unless otherwise instructed. Chorister Uniform:

SENIOR CHORISTERS: Black dress pants, black belt, black dress shoes (no athletic shoes, please), black socks and a solid black T-shirt or undershirt. Please purchase these on your own. Birmingham Boys Choir Robe and/or Black Concert Shirt JUNIOR CHORISTERS: Black dress pants, black belt, black dress shoes (no athletic shoes, please),black socks Birmingham Boys Choir Robe and Black BBC T-shirt

Music Camps
All music camps of the BBC are mandatory for all Senior Choristers. Any problems with attending one of the camps must be worked out with the Choirmaster well in advance of

the camp.

The Summer Music Camp:

The Annual Summer Music Camp is for all BBC Senior Choristers. Senior Choristers are "happy campers" (overnight) from Sunday (this year!) through the closing concert on Thursday. Section leaders and Head Choristers are selected by the BBC staff during this camp. Camp fees are established each year depending on fees charged by the host campus.

The Winter Music Camp:

Held in January, Winter Camp is an opportunity for the Senior Choristers to begin the new literature for the completion of the BBC Concert Season. Senior Choristers pay a camp fee for camp on Thursday and Friday after school. They rehearse Friday evening and all day Saturday (with time out for meals and recreation). Schedule for Winter Camp will be outlined in the Parent Memos.

Discipline Policy
Self-discipline is easier for some people to learn than others. Yet, it is one of the most important personal skills any of us will ever learn. It affects every aspect of our lives; at home, at school, at church, at work and at play! Therefore we must take every opportunity to teach and encourage the positive aspects and personal rewards of self-discipline. Like all 'team' efforts, the Birmingham Boys Choir demands a certain amount of self-discipline on the part of each of its choristers. The success of our program is in no small part dependent on the efforts of all parties involved - the boys, the staff and the parents - in the cultivating and encouragement of this important personal skill. We will continue to use the system of reinforcing positive behavior and discouraging negative behavior which has been used in the past. Each staff member will be awarding blue cards before and during and after each rehearsal time to those boys who exhibit good chorister skills. This might include such things as sitting correctly, answering a question correctly, coming into rehearsal quietly, not talking between sections of the rehearsal

and many other things which are part of good rehearsal technique. The boys who receive blue cards will be able to "spend" them in the Boys Choir store, which will be open on one Tuesday evening per month (you will be notified several weeks in advance via memos). The items in the store will vary in their price, and some may require the accumulation of several blue cards. As a deterrent to negative behavior, the staff will also be handing out yellow cards. These will be given for inappropriate behavior, inattentiveness, unwillingness to follow instructions, or lack of productivity at any point in time that the Boys Choir is together. This includes rehearsals, theory classes, before and after rehearsals, performances, and travel situations. When a yellow card is given to a chorister, that yellow card will be mailed to the parents with a note of explanation. When a chorister receives a second yellow card, a conference will be set up between the Director, the boy, and the parents. Upon receipt of a third yellow card during the choir year, the chorister will forfeit his membership in the choir. Please understand that we cannot achieve the goals that we have set for the choir when having to deal with a disruptive chorister.

Birmingham Boys Choir Theory Training

The Birmingham Boys Choir has as its goal the musical independence of every chorister. Through a multi-level program incorporating note names, solfege, rhythm, and sight-singing, it is our hope that each boy will come to an understanding of the musical language that will not only help him in this musical experience, but also in those in future years. Please note the following in regard to our theory training: 1) All choristers will study theory and sight-singing. For Senior Choristers this is incorporated into the rehearsal time. For Junior Choristers there will be a separate theory class time incorporated into their weekly rehearsals 20 weeks of the year. Each chorister must demonstrate an understanding of the material through several means: through participation in class, through some written testing, and through aural evaluation. Attending class does not merit receipt of a medal. The evaluation process for all choristers


will be an ongoing one from September through April. Awards will be given as certain levels of achievement have been attained. 3) Choristers are expected to maintain the same level of rehearsal technique in theory / sight-singing classes as in rehearsals. Yellow cards may be given for disruptive/inattentive/inappropriate behavior in theory as well as rehearsal.

BBC ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT (copy for 2012 2013)

I,____________, and my parents do accept my position as a member of the Birmingham Boys Choir and all of the responsibilities and privileges that go with it. We agree to the following terms of membership: 1) Tuition: Senior Choristers - $80 per month for 10 months, payable at the first rehearsal of each month Junior Choristers - $65 per month for 10 months, payable at the first rehearsal of each month *Tuition and fees paid to the BBC are non-refundable. *Tuition can be paid per semester during the first month of that semester with a 10% discount. *No tuition discount for additional choristers. Summer Camp Fee is $260; Winter Camp Fee is $50 Robe Maintenance/Uniform Fee is $20 per year, plus a $40.00 refundable deposit, provided the BBC shirt is returned to us in good condition when the chorister leaves the choir. Music Fee is $45 per semester **If an account is not paid in full by the time of the final concert in a semester, and no other arrangements have been made with the board president or the business

director, the chorister may not participate in the choir during the following semester. 2) 3) 4) We agree to accept the responsibility for all uniform requirements. We agree to attend the required rehearsals per semester. We agree to attend the performances for our ensemble.

5) We also agree that should our ability to complete our term of membership be changed at any point within this Concert Season, we will discuss the situation with the Choirmaster before making any movement to terminate our membership in the BBC. 6) We are aware that membership in the BBC is based on a boy's ability to fulfill the musical and individual requirements of the BBC. If at any point in time a chorister fails to uphold acceptable standards of rehearsal technique, performance practice and/or attendance, the BBC reserves the right to review that chorister's membership in the BBC.

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