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Interpretation of as Posessive Genitive

Nick Elder
Denver Seminary

-Becomes an attribute possessed by God
Option #1: Gods Justice
He [Paul] will argue that God has indeed made known his justice by
demonstrating his impartiality towards all people. (Stanley K. Stowers, A
Rereading of Romans, 92)

Gods righteousness/rightness saves because it makes right, rectifies, what
is wrongsince Paul uses the passive of the verb apokalykto (reveal) implies
that God reveals Gods rectitude-precisely in (or by means of) the gospel.
(Leander E. Keck, Romans, 52)

Romans 3.5 (cf. 3.25-26)
, ;
; (NA27)

But if our injustice serves to confirm the justice of God, what should we say?
That God is unjust to inflict wrath on us? (I speak in a human way.) (NRSV)

Option #2: The faithfulness of God [to his covenant]
And by Gods righteousnesshe means not least Gods faithfulness to the
covenant plan. The plan through which the whole creation would be
liberated from corruption, evil and death. (NT Wright, Paul in Fresh
Perspective, 53)

-Basis in LXX/HB
Ps. 31.1/2 (LXX 30.2)
(MT: )
deliver me in your righteousness (TNIV)

Ps. 35.24 (LXX 34.24)
, (MT: )
Vindicate me in your righteousness, LORD my God (TNIV)

Psalm 98.2 (LXX Psalm 97.2)

(MT: )
The LORD has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the
nations. (TNIV)
cf. Psalm 36.6,10; 71.2; 89.16; 103.17; 111.3; 119.40; 143.1; 145.7; Isa. 38.19; 63.7

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