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Milling Project

Hannah Connor November 8, 2012 CIM Bacher

Overview The purpose of this project was to learn how to use the CNC Base software for programming and to learn how to use the milling machine while working alone. Materials Engineering notebook Pen CNC Base software Milling machine Safety glasses

Procedure First I had to brainstorm linear and circular designs I wanted to use for the project. After that I picked one of each of the designs and made them on graph paper. Then I had to name all of the points and find their absolute and relative coordinates. After that I had to write all of their programs out on CNC Base and run them to make sure they worked properly. Then I used a flash drive to transfer my designs to the computer that is connected to the milling machine. Before starting the milling process I had to get safety glasses to wear and a trainer to teach me how to use the machine. Then I learned how to use the machine and I made my design. Concepts Milling Speeds and feeds Tools G and M codes

Summary The only problems I had with the project were troubleshooting. At some points in my program I made mistakes with the typing. I had to run the program and try to figure out where I went wrong. Next time I would probably check my work and take my time in order to prevent program flaws the first time. I think this was a good hands on project that taught me how to properly use CNC Base and milling machines.


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