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Nursing as an Art and Science Over time people have argued whether nursing is a science or an art.

People say nursing is a science because everything you do in nursing revolves around past evidence and studies: medication given, insertion of tubes, dressings, and many other things. Without science we would not know about all the different illness out there and they many ways to treat them. We learn from science to find out new and better ways of doing things. Other people though believe that the art of nursing is what defines nursing. Without caring and compassionate people who are skillful in the art of nursing there would just be science. The way in which nurses perform tasks and how they take care of each patient as an individual is what makes nursing. Nursing involves passion and even before the science and evidence nurses still existed and helped heal people. I however believe that nursing is both a science and an art. I agree completely that without compassionate skillful people nursing is not nursing. However, I also agree that new sciences have helped improve the way nurses heal people. They both are equally important and without one there is not the other.

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