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Teaching Points 1.

Issues with language-describing properties; positional language Examples: Starter activity: The Whats Hiding Activity- when the children are asked to guess what shape is being removed from the bag, they must justify their responses by describing a property of the shape they think it may be, e.g. it has straight/curved edges, corners etc. Main activity: The children sort a variety of shapes according to certain criteria and others will have to guess the criteria used to sort the shapes. This challenges the children to think about the properties of the shapes and to use position. Group activity: One member in the group hides a shape. They must describe the properties of the shape using positional language so that the other children can draw the correct shape. 2. Orientation of 2-D shapes Examples: Starter activity: The Whats Hiding Activity- this teaching point is seen when the teacher is gradually pulling the shapes from the bag. In this case the children are focused on the properties rather than the names of the shapes, having to describe properties of various shapes, guessing what shape it may be as a result of finding a correct property. The Extended Project:

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