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Sharing the Planet

We are starting our new unit under the Transdisciplinary Theme of Sharing the Planet. This is an inquiry into natural resources in our planet and how humans and animals use the resources. Please find below details of the unit and outlines of how Language Arts and Mathematics will be integrated.
Central Idea Key Concepts

Natural resources play a central role in human and animal life.

Function the role of natural resources. Causation- the reasons why resources are used differently by animals and humans

Lines of Inquiry

Natural resources are essential for humans and animals The relationship between natural resources, animals and humans The reasons why resources are used differently between animals and humans.

Integrated Maths

Measurement In measurement we are focusing on:

Estimating and measuring objects using non-standard and standard units of measurement

Integrated Language Arts

Speaking and Listening: Asking and responding to questions Reading: Features of non-fiction texts Comprehension strategies- determining importance in non-fiction texts Writing : Formulating questions: Asking questions to gain information and respond to inquiries

Key Vocabulary

Natural resources, living things, abiotic and biotic resources, adaptation, conservation. Cause and effect, essential. estimate, measurement, length, non-standard and standard units of measurement, identify, compare, attributes, object, accuracy

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