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Lyndon Green Junior School Eco School Minutes Date:13.11.

12 Present: All reps Apologies: 6C Rep Inspire workshop

Agenda Item
Roll Call Badges Check

Adam checked all reps here. James did a badge check. 8 out of 12 had badges. Please please wear your badge. Is anyone Blogging?- Reminder of How to do it was issued 1.Its Learning- folders at top go to my portfolio 2.Box will come up- My blog tool. 3.About me- write about yourself. 4.Set settings to everyone to see 5.Mr Crees asked all Eco team to blog ideas and email Mr Crees.
Starting Monday 3rd Dec until Fr 14th for 2 weeks. Must check every class has a rep and lights and switches are turned off. Feedback from An hour without power! Some reps saw teachers using power during our Hour without Power (Boo!) We will do this again during fortnight and all Eco Reps to check NO CHEATING! When Eco reps told TA not to charge Ipads they stopped and said Ooops turning it off now!

Agreed Actions

Take care of the badges and wear them with pride. Please start blogging. Mr Crees will give a demonstration at the next meeting on how to blog.
Wait pack to arrive. Eco Reps need to organise a Switch off monitor in their class.

Blogging Review

Switch off FORTNIGHT

ECO DAY 2012 review

Everryone said ECO day was fab! Everone had fun! Highlights included:-sewing, making neclaces , leaf pictures, using ipads. willow weaving, taking photos made a tree, added real leaves, making the bird cakes, song writing, wall made out of willow. Adam and James have written letters of thanks to all the helpers but we still have work to do.
Do we all have this displayed in our classes? It is very imoprtant that we do! If not we will not get the Green Flag. Please look on the Eco Board. Still few classes without Eco Code. It is now in the ofce.

Belle, Jemma, Tyler, Katie, Adam, James and Alissa to write letters this break time today.

ECO Code

All Reps to make sure everyone has an Eco Code in their room. Front entrance, hall, dining room all need codes done.

Agenda Item
Bird Cam

James and Dylan have been doing the bird cam since Jan. We have mainly people, magpies, great tits and squirrels. Dylan and James made a video which is on twitter about the bird cam. Bird house with camera in side is here and will be set up on spring. James thanked everyone for their attendance and contributions and dismissed the Eco Team at 9.32am

Agreed Actions
Check video out on twitter


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