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Domestic Economy

The game

Introduction (1/2)
Racing game suitable for ages 7 to 99 Material needed for each player: -Hat; -Pen/pencil; -Paper; -Marker(could be a coin, lego piece, etc);

Introduction (2/2)
Other materials needed to play: -Laundry basket (with no laundry) -Paper; -Dice;

Rules (1/2)
Players agree on the number of board tiles, and design the course in group. The tile setting should be 1 - Free dice throw. 2 - Throw hat! [to the laundry basket] 3 - Loose turn 4 - Convice others 5 - Go back 2

Rules (2/2)
Throw Hat
One should throw his hat to the basket, if he hits it he plays again (the Basket must be in the range between 2m and 5m).

Convince others
One must do a little piece of performance art (sing, dance, write poetry, improving the gameboard, do a portrait, etc) so that others award him with a throw.

Game ends when reached the final house.

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