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Vedanta Chart : Adhyaropa (As per Vedantasara of Sadananda)

Turiya/ Pure Consciousne ss Consciousness Consciousness Associated (Covered with) with Ajnan=Ignorance Sutratma/ Hiranyagarbha/ Virata-Vishwa Prana/ Taijasa-Endowed with power of Knowledge, will and action Unmenife Two Apanchikrit=Uncompounded Elements=Matter Panchikrit=Componded Matter sted= powe Tama Satvik Component Rajasik Tamasik Component undifferen rs of Predominant Component tiated Ajna (Satva, Rajo & Organ of Inner Organ of Pra Panchikaran=Compounding ObjecGross Ajnan=Ign n = Tamo gunas Cognition Instrument Action nas ts Matter=Mahab orance Ignor reproduced) s hoot ance Subtle Causal Subtle Body/ Linga Body (17/19 Divisio Seco First Half Secon Gross Body Elements = Body Componant), 3 Koshas n of nd (Mixing of d half Subtle Matter/ first half components Tanmatras half ) Ishwara/ Prajna (Manas, & Intellect) - Chitta and Ego are included respectivelly in them Powers of Veiling and Projection (Prana, Apana, Samana, Vyana & Udana) Five Pranas Ajnan=Ignorance (Samasti=Aggregate-Pure Satva predominent, Individual-Impure Satva Predominent) Seven planes of Bhur, Bhuvar, Svar, Mahar, Jana, Tapas, and Styam and the seven Akash=Ether/ Sound Ear Organ of Speech Sou nd 1/8 th parts

1/8 th parts

Air/ Touch



Soun d& Touch 1/8 th parts

1/8 th parts Sou nd, Touc h For m Sou nd, Touc h, For

Fire/ Form



1/8 th parts

1/8 parts


Water/ Taste


Organ of Procreati on



Earth/ Smell


Organ of evacuati on 1/8 th parts

1/8 th parts

nether planes of Atla, Vitala, Sutala, Rasatala, Tlatala, Mahatala and Patala, Brihmand


1/8 parts


m and Tast e Soun d, Touch , Form, Taste & Smell

and four types of Gross Bodies and appropriate foods are manifested from these

Blissfull Sheeth


State of Deep sleep

Intellegent Sheeth Pranic Sheeth, with intellect Endowed with Doership with power power of of Knowledge action is of form of Mental Sheeth with Manas An instrument product of action with will power Dreem State

Annmaya Sheeth

Waking State

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