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Lecture note by Prof. K. Vradi


- When the applied loading varies with time, the structural response will also vary. - If the load is cyclic and the freqvency of the loading is less than about one third of the lowest natural freqvency of the structure, the static approach is acceptable. - Governing equation of structural dynamics (diff. equation of motion)

M u + Cu + Ku = f
where M structural mass matrix, nodal acceleration vector, structural damping matrix, nodal velocity vector, structural stiffness matrix, nodal displacement vector, time varying nodal load vector.


K u f

Natural frekvency on eigenvalue analysis - we are interisted in the values of the natural frekvencies of vibration for a structure. - undamped free vibration response of the system caused by an initial disturbance. - zero damping coefficients and applied forces. - initial condition of displacement, velocity or acceleration.

- motion of every node of the model is a sinusoidal function of the peak displacement simplitude:

u = A sin ( t )
where A vector of peak displacement, circular freqvency of vibration,

- eigenvalue equation

(K M )A = 0

- same number of independent eigenvalues as the total DOF of the FE model, - each of the eigenvalues has an independent eigenvektor or mode shape, - we usually need a few of the lowest eigenvalues of the model. Frequency response analysis - steady state response of the structure to a harmonic force input at a given frequency:

F = F0 e it
- the displacement response is also harmonic and occurs at the same frequency, - solution for the displacement amplitudes, - most structures are lightly damped and thus we may neglect the damping, - an input frequency equal to a natural frequency produces an infinite displacement response when there is no damping. Buckling analysis - beams, plate- and frame-structures may be sensitive for buckling,

- buckling occurs if the acting force completely reduces the bending stiffness of the structure, - EXAMPLE: Data: l=100 mm, axb=1x1 mm 2 , E=210000 MPa Fkrit

analitical solution:

Fkrit =

2 EI 4l 2

=4.4 N

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