November 2012 Agenda

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Greendale Parent Advisory Committee November 13, 2012 Budget Meeting Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2.

Approval of the Agenda 3. Reports a. School Planning Committee- 1 more volunteer b. Parent Education c. Emergency Preparedness - Need someone to head this up d. Hot Lunch - Nov 23- Booster Juice e. Fruit & Veggie Program f. Lice Checks g. DPAC Nov 22nd h. Safer School committee - Stake Holders Meeting i. Treasurer j. Principal 4. Business arising from last meeting a. Library- need parent or a parent to regularly help shelf books b. Staff Luncheonc. Grade 6 Hoodies/shirts?? 5. New business a. Auction Meeting Nov 30 8:30 Little Beetle Caf b. Pledges c. Fundraising c. Grants Purdys Chocolates Orders Due Nov 27th, Pick up Dec 5th and 6th Coupon Books Aviva- Nov 12 Nov 26 video ?? Drive one for your school,, cookie exchange

Adjournment Next meeting: Thursday Dec 13th, 8:30am at the school

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