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In re: INNKEEPERS USA TRUST, et al.,1 Debtors.

Chapter 11 Case No. 10-13800 (SCC) Jointly Administered

ORDER DENYING BEST WESTERN INTERNATIONAL INC.S MOTION FOR ORDER LIMITING TIME WITHIN WHICH DEBTORS MUST ASSUME OR REJECT EXECUTORY CONTRACT Upon consideration of the amended motion dated August 17, 2010 of Best Western International, Inc. for an order limiting time within which the Debtors must assume or reject executory contract [Docket Nos. 162, 219] (the Motion);1 and objections to the relief requested in the Motion having been filed by the Debtors and Lehman ALI Inc. [Docket Nos. 578, 579] (the Objections); and a hearing (the Hearing) to consider the Motion having been held by this Court; and due and sufficient notice of the Motion, the Objections, and the arguments presented at the Hearing; and after due deliberation and sufficient cause appearing therefor, in accordance with the oral decision rendered by the Court on the record of the Hearing; it is HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. The Motion is denied. /s/Shelley C. Chapman United States Bankruptcy Judge

New York, New York Date: November 18, 2010

All capitalized terms used but otherwise not defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Motion or the Objections, as applicable.

K&E 17996621

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