Welcoming Remarks (Committee Assembly)

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WELCOMING REMARKS Program and Business Committee Good morning everyone! Thank you Ms. Cruz.

It is indeed a great honor and privilege to give the welcoming remarks. I would like to thank all the Executive Committee Officers, Committee Heads, and specially Prof. Analiza F. Arcega the Adviser of the UMak Scholars Society for their untiring support and making this activity possible. Old and New Scholars, Now I welcome you not as the Past Treasurer of the UMak Scholars Society but a fellow scholar, student and a change maker of my own in this University. This Committee Assembly is an Opportunity for everyone and when I say opportunity you should grab it even though this is just an Organization that embodies ExtraCurricular Activities still you guys need to participate because after college years the extra-curricular that Im saying is no longer visible because reality sucks! Right?! Due to the fact upon leaving the corners of this university and welcoming yourselves in to the Corporate World you wont feel anymore the extra-curricular activities that you have done in this university, because we aim after college we need to WORK, WORK, and WORK for ourselves and for our Family. Do you guys agree? So much for that, The Goal of the Program and Business Committee is very simple. They want all to be UNITED AS ONE (Hindi United as One, sa Hindi pagsipot sa mga events ng Scholar Society Okay?) in each committee that you have chosen. The purpose of this assembly is to showcase all the successful events as well as the upcoming events of the Scholars Society. In administering an Organization it is important to be transparent and to be accountable an example of this is this event, Committee Assembly. You guys are very lucky! Why? In my previous administration along with my fellow executive committee officers we are struggling for the change that we want and luckily, I guess the change was fulfilled by the new Administration. On behalf of the Previous Administration Execom Officers, Present Execom Officers, Heads of Different Committees and Prof. Analiza F. Arcega our beloved adviser. Welcome, we urge you not to sit back and relax on your chairs but come forth and make a change remember: I am Priviledge I am Scholar, We can Therefore you can. Goodmorning!

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