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Chapter 6 : LL(K) and LR (K) Grammars | FORMAL LANGUAGE & AUTOMATA THEORY


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Home Topics Chapter 1 : Formal Languages and Thier Classification Chapter 2 : Regular Expressions and Finite Automata (Part 1) Chapter 2 : Part 2 Chapter 3 : Context Free Grammars and Their Normal Forms (Part 1) Chapter 3 : Part 2 Chapter 3 : Part 3 Chapter 4 : An Introduction to Push Down Automata Chapter 5 : Turing Machines (Part 1) Chapter 5 : Part 2 Chapter 6 : LL(K) and LR (K) Grammars Chapter 7 : Linear Grammars, Cellular Automata and Rewriting Systems


Chapter 6 : LL(K) and LR (K) Grammars

Q.1 Write the definitions of LL (k) Grammar. Ans. A context free grammar is called LL (k) for left to right scan, producing a leftmost derivation with k symbol look ahead if we can always make a correct decision by checking at most the first k symbols of W.

Q.2 Write the definition of LR (k) grammar. Ans. LR (k) is a grammar in which purser scans the input from left to right and generate the reverse rightmost derivation, and it can take a decision about reduction by looking next k symbol only. That is why; it is called LR (k) grammar.

Q. 3. Explain the Closure properties of Language Classes. Ans. Various properties of languages. are:

Q .4 What are LR (k) grammars Explain with examples and also state some properties. Ans LR (k) grammars are used in syntax analysis phase of a compiler LR (k) grammars reduce the given string w to start symbol S by reducing. It scans the string from left to right and while reduction it gives reverse rightmost derivation of the string.

Properties of LR (k) grammars: 1. Every LR (k) grammar C is unambiguous. 2. If C is an LR (k) grammar there exists pushdown automata A accepting L (G). 1 3. If A is a deterministic pushdown automata A there exists an LR (1.) grammar G such that L (C) = N (A) V



Chapter 6 : LL(K) and LR (K) Grammars | FORMAL LANGUAGE & AUTOMATA THEORY

LR (1.) grammar G such that L (C) = N (A) V 4 The class of deterministic language is said to be proper subclass of the class of context free languages. V 5. The class of deterministic languages can be denoted by LdCnl is closed under complementation but not under union and intersection 6. A context free language is generated by an LR (0) grammar if and only if it is accepted by deterministic PDA and has prefix property. 7 There is an algo to decide whether a given context free grammar is LR (k) for a given natural number k

Q 5. Explain in brief the properties of LL (k) grammers Ans. 1 A context free grammar is LL (k) grammar if by scanning n input string left to right we can get a left most derivation by looking k symbols ahead 2. LL (1) grammars are successfully being used in compilers. 3. LL (k) grammars are used in top down porsing. 4. LL (k) grammars are weak as compared to LR (k). 5. Every LL (k) grammar is non-ambiguous.

Q. 6. Explain in brief the properties of LR (k) grammars. Ans. various properties of LR (k) grammars are as follows: 1. Every LR (k) grammar is unambiguous. 2. If C is an LR (k) grammar, there exist deterministic pushdown automata A accepting L (C). 3. If A is a deterministic pushdown Automata A, there exists an LR (1) grammar C such that L (G) = N (A).

Q. 7. Write closure properties of Languages. Ans. various closure properties of languages are:




Chapter 6 : LL(K) and LR (K) Grammars | FORMAL LANGUAGE & AUTOMATA THEORY

Q. 8. Explain the properties of LL (k) and LR (k) grammars. Ans. A context free grammar is called LL (k), for left to right scan, producing a leftmost derivation, with k symbol look ahead, if we can always make a correct decision by checking at most the first k symbols of w. Formal properties of LL (k) grammar For a grammar to be LL (1), the necessary and sufficient condition is

W: k meaning the k letters long initial segment of W, that is

A context free grammar 18 LL (k) if and only if for every pair of left most derivation of the form

Q. 10. Write short notes on any two: (a) Derivation languages. (b) Cellular Automata. (c) Syntax Analysis. 3/7


Chapter 6 : LL(K) and LR (K) Grammars | FORMAL LANGUAGE & AUTOMATA THEORY

(c) Syntax Analysis. on
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(b) Cellular Automata : Cellular automata are simple mathematical idealization of natural system. They consist of a lattice of discrete identical sites, each site taking on a finite set of any integer values. The values of the sites evolve in discrete time steps according to deterministic roles that specify the value of each site in terms up the value of neighbouring sites. Cellular Automata are by definition dynamical systems which are discrete in space and time, operate on a uniform regular, lattice and are characterized by local interaction. Cellular automata may be considered as discrete idealization of the partial differential equations after used to describe natural system. Their discrete nature also allows an important analogy with digital computer: cellular automata may be viewed as parallel processing computers of simple construction. (c) Syntax Analysis: Syntax analysis is performed by a special program, called syntax analyzer or parser. A parser obtaining a string of to hens from the lexical analyzer string of tokens and checks whether whether the string is valid construct of the same language parser performs this task by verifying whether the string of to hens obtained from the lexical analyzer, can be generated by the grammar for the source language and for this a parser either attempts to derive a string w from start symbol S or the reduce string w to S. Parsing algorithms are of two types



Chapter 6 : LL(K) and LR (K) Grammars | FORMAL LANGUAGE & AUTOMATA THEORY

2. Bottom op parsing: We generate start symbol S from string w by performing reduction. Consider previous grammar. Bottom op parsing takes place from leaf of parser tree into its root.

Q. 11. Write the closure properties of Languages. Ans.

Q. 12. Write short notes on the following: (a) Closure properties of languages. (b) Syntax Analysis. (c) Kusoda Normal Form. (d) Pushdown Automata. Ans. (a) Closure properties of languages:

(b) Syntax analysis: Syntax analysis is performed by a special program known as syntax analyzer or passes. It obtains a string of to hens from lexical analyzer and check whether the string is valid for the language or not. The parsing algorithms are divided into 2 categories (a) top down parsing (b) bottom up parsing. Here top-down and bottom up denotes ways of constructing the derivation tree which represents either leftmost derivation in case of top-down construction whereas it produces a rightmost derivation in reverse order for bottomup construction. Various types of grammars used by syntax analysis are LL (k) and LR (k). LL (k) denotes left to right scan of string product, left most derivation by looking ahead k symbols of string for making the decision. LR (k) denotes left to right scan of string producing reverse rightmost derivation by looking ahead k symbols of string for making decisions. (c) Kuroda normal form A length increasing grimmer is said to be in kuroda normal from if each of its rules has any of the following four forms: 5/7


Chapter 6 : LL(K) and LR (K) Grammars | FORMAL LANGUAGE & AUTOMATA THEORY

of the following four forms:

(d) Pushdown Automata: A pushdown automata is a computational model used for recognizing the strings of next free languages. A pushdown automata uses the input tape of fixed length for input string and stack (linear data structure) for memory. A push down automata is a system which is mathematically defined as follows:


Formal properties of LR (k) grammar as follows: 1. Every LR (k) grammar C is unambiguous. 2. If G is an LR (k) grimmer there exists deterministic pushdown automata A accepting Z (C). 3. If A is a deterministic pushdown automata A, there exists an LR (1) grammar C such that L (G) = N (A). 4. The class of deterministic languages is a proper subclass of



Chapter 6 : LL(K) and LR (K) Grammars | FORMAL LANGUAGE & AUTOMATA THEORY

4. The class of deterministic languages is a proper subclass of the class of context free languages. 5. (Deterministic context free languages) is closed under complementation but not under union and intersection. 6. A CFL is generated by LR (0) grammar iff it is accepted by deterministic PDA and has prefix property. 7. There is an algorithm to decide whether a given CFG is LR (k) for a given Natural number k.


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