Eng 12-Prezi Project For Seniors

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Starving Artists and Tortured Artists Project


Your task: 1) Choose an artist from the list below. 2) You need to look up information for each artist. Read about their lives and decide, is he/she a tortured or starving artist (refer to definitions given in class)? You need to then create a project in which you prove/show that he/she is a tortured or starving artist. Tell about his/her life and art, and share examples of his/her art which reflect this aspect of his/her life. This connection between life and art is mandatory. DO NOT hand in a project that is purely biographical. This is not the asst. 3) Suggestions for the structure of your project: -discuss artists life -discuss the artists work -discuss how he/she is a starving or tortured artist (or both?) -give examples of his/her work which show or reflect this current or past aspect of life 4) Look up info. on your artist. Use the schools databases and the Internet. 5) YOU MUST USE THREE legitimate sources for your prezi and you must have a works cited page and in text citations. Use www.easybib.com. 5)You must create a 9 slide prezi (which includes a Works Cited Page) in which you will present this information. ***EC for extra slides (*depends on quality of work). 6)save work in student folder and on a jump drive. REMEMBER: 1)prove your artist is tortured or starving by sharing their life info. You should also discuss their artistic work(s). 2)you must use three sources and have a works cited 3)you must have in text citations FCAs: depth of research and cited properly, works cited, grammar/mechanics, cohesion

Library: 11/13, 11/14/, 11/15, 11/16 **If your project does not have citations or a works cited page, your work is incomplete. The research has to be documented. No citations and/or no works cited = ZERO.

Working on your project COUNTS AS A 50 point QUIZ GRADE. No work, little production= zero. In other words, it is not an option to say Im going to do it at home.

Final project and presentation due: 2nd period-11/20, 7th period-11/19 This is worth 100 points. ___________________________________ _
Format of the project: Complete prezi Works cited page as last page (the 9th slide) In text citations Title on first slide ***You are responsible for your work so write something you are proud of. Email me with questions or concerns BEFORE due dates. If you email me and do not receive a response, I never got your email. I will always respond if you write to me. NO EXCUSES-PLEASE!!!! ******One last IMPORTANT thing,-if the topic of your prezi is an artist you like and admire and think you know well, you STILL have to do and document your research. This is a research project and I just know that is not acceptable in place of actual citations and work. Thank you

The Artists: Only one person can do each artist, so choose wisely and let me know asap.
Jimi Hendrix Jerry Garcia Stevie Nicks Karen Carpenter Johnny Cash Eric Clapton BB King Hank Williams George Jones Richie Valens Selena Whitney Houston Lisa Left Eye Lopez Michael Jackson

Writers Sylvia Plath August Wilson Ernest Hemingway William S.Burroughs Edgar Allan Poe Hunter S.Thompson Dorothy Parker F.Scott Fitzgerald Brett Easton Ellison Walt Whitman William Styron Jimmy Santiago Baca Pat Conroy Oscar Wilde Truman Capote Jerome Robbins Jack Kerouac Virginia Woolf Tom Stoppard David Foster Wallace Mary Karr Musicians Bessie Smith Billie Holiday Brian Wilson Judy Garland Liza Minnelli Kurt Cobain Cole Porter Elvis Janis Joplin Jim Morrison

Actors Robin Williams Richard Pryor Lou Gossett, Jr Nick Nolte Charlie Chaplin Chris Farley Lindsay Lohan

Artists Jean-Michel Basquiat Andy Warhol Frida Kahlo Diego Rivera Georgia OKeeffe Diane Arbus Georgia OKeeffe Diane Arbus Berenice Abbott Elizabeth Catlett Eva Hesse Keith Haring Edward Kienholz Julian Schnabel Man Ray Dancers Martha Graham Alvin Ailey Twyla Tharp George Balanchine Gelsey Kirkland Ben Vereen Bob Fosse

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