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Edexcel GCSE P.E.

Revision Guide Sample

Edexcel GCSE P.E. Revision Guide Sample

Exercise & fitness

Agility, balance and coordination

Agility, balance and coordination are three components of SKILL-RELATED FITNESS. You need to know the effects they will have on your ability to carry out different physical activities.

Agility has two components: 1. The ability to CHANGE DIRECTION. 2. The ability to do so QUICKLY. It is used by performers that need to dodge to avoid others, for example netball players, basketball players and rugby players.

Balance is used in all activities. There are some activities where balance is especially important. Here are two examples: a gymnast uses balance during a handstand to hold his position still discus thrower uses balance as she a releases the discus to stay in the throwing circle For any aspect of SKILL-RELATED FITNESS, remember to say WHO uses it, HOW they use it, and WHY.


Describing agility
Describe agility as the ability to change DIRECTION quickly, not POSITION.

Figure 1 shows a woman doing yoga as a form of exerise.

Which of the following components of fitness is skill-related and the most important in this yoga pose? (1 mark) A Balance B Coordination C Body composition D Strength

Coordination is important in all activities. Here are three types of coordination: AND-EYE, would be needed by a tennis H player (to toss the ball and make contact when serving). OOT-EYE, would be needed by a football F player (to watch the ball onto her foot when receiving a pass). AND-HAND, would be needed by a H basketball player (to switch hands when dribbling the ball). You need to make sure it is clear which body parts are working together.

If an exam question talks about, or shows a picture of a specific activity, you will need to apply your answer to this activity.
This was a real exam question that a lot of students struggled with - be prepared!

activity, All the components are used in this important. but you need to choose the most

Explain how each of the following performers use coordination in their activities: (a) A golfer taking a putt (b) A javelin thrower in their run-up (c) A swimmer during a 100 m butterfly race (d) A sprinter running the final leg of a relay race


Draft - subject to review

(4 marks)

Cardiovascular system

Edexcel GCSE P.E. Revision Guide Sample

Cardiovascular system: adaptations 2

Other long term training effects on the cardiovascular system caused by regular exercise are outlined below. Further adaptations relating to the cardiovascular system include: Lower resting heart rate. Increased MAXIMUM cardiac output during exercise. Faster return to resting heart rate. Increased capillarisation (the development of a capillary network). Increased number of red blood cells. The benets of these adaptations are as follows: Greater training zone: with an increased stroke volume, the heart needs to beat less often to eject the same amount of blood. (See page 50 for more on training zone.) Increased oxygen delivery to working muscles. More efcient recovery. Increased blood ow supplying oxygen to working muscles.

Cardiac output and stroke volume

To increase cardiac output you can: increase heart rate

increase stroke volume

Cardiac output is the amount of blood leaving the heart per MINUTE.

HR = Heart beats per min

SV = Volume per heart beat

increase both heart rate and stroke volume


One of the long-term adaptations of regular participation in physical activity is an increased number of red blood cells. Explain the benet of an increase in the number of red blood cells to a long-distance runner.

(3 marks)

Long distance running is an endurance activity. This type of running is aerobic, the increased number of red blood cells will help with an increase in transport of oxygen to the working muscles. Credit is given for recognising the . type of activity that requires oxygen


A healthy, active lifestyle will have an impact on the body systems. Describe four of the effects of regular participation on the bodys cardiovascular system. (4 marks)

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10/08/2012 09:35

Edexcel GCSE P.E. Revision Guide Sample

Physical activity

Fartlek training
Fartlek training is a form of CONTINUOUS TRAINING. Its key CHARACTERISTICS are variations in pace and terrain covered. BENEFITS Jogging Sprinting (aerobic) (anaerobic)

Changes o fp allow for re ace co so perform very er work maxim can ally

Fartlek training improves d cardiovascular tness an d muscular endurance an reduces the chance of coronary heart disease

Fartlek training is continuous, but the changes in pace within the sessions mean that performers work both aerobically and anaerobically within the exercise session

Activities associated with fartlek training

Netball Hockey Rugby Basketball

This is due to the similarity between the training method and the game situation where there is sprinting and recovery, e.g. making a fast break in hockey and then jogging back into position.


Some training activities can be adapted to suit different performance activities. How might a cross-country runner and a footballer adapt fartlek training to suit their own activity? (2 marks)

A cross-country runner would focus on changing terrains, e.g. up and down hills. A footballer would focus on variation in pace to match game requirements.

Many students found this question difcult because they didnt read the question carefully. Instead of saying how the training session was adapted, they just explained the training method. Make sure you read all questions carefully.
This was a real exam question that a lot of students struggled with be prepared!


Why should you involve jogging and sprinting in a fartlek session, if you are a games player? (2 marks)

Think about what a games player does during the game.
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10/08/2012 15:35

Physical activity

Edexcel GCSE P.E. Revision Guide Sample

Principles of training: specificity

You need to be able to describe, explain and apply speci city, a principle of training.

Specicity means matching training to the particular requirements of an activity.

You must make sure that your training is appropriate for your sport. This is so that you are training the right muscles and body systems, rather than other areas of tness that will have little impact on your performance.

dividual needs nfused with in s of Dont get co e requirement city is about th speci t the person! the activity, no

For speci city, a rower could plan their training around using a rowing machine.

Using a treadmill instead of a rowing e machine may train some of the sam match. things but would not be the best
Training Activity

Show your understanding

If you are asked to dene or explain specicity, dont just use the word specic in your answer. You need to demonstrate your understanding of the PRINCIPLE of specicity.


Which of the following statements does not conform to the principle of specicity? (1 mark) A A 100 m runner practising their sprint starts. B A games player taking part in a fartlek training session. C A tennis player practising their rst serves. D A 50-metre freestyle swimmer working on their speed at the track.

Many students failed to gain marks for this type of question because they confused individual differences with specicity. Remember, specicity relates to the needs of the activity.
Students have struggled with exam questions similar to this be prepared!

The swimmer should be training in the pool rather than on the track.


Figure 1 shows three items of tness training equipment. 1 Explain which of the items of equipment shown in Figure 1 is most likely to be used by a sprint cyclist. (3 marks)

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Figure 1
10/08/2012 15:35

Skeletal system

Edexcel GCSE P.E. Revision Guide Sample

The skeletal system and exercise

You need to know the bene ts weight-bearing exercise and a balanced diet can have on the skeletal system. INCREASED BONE DENSITY / STRONGER BONES STRONGER LIGAMENTS AND TENDONS

Reduced chance of osteoporosis. Better posture. Reduced chance of fractures.

Better support of joints, and therefore more stability during physical activity. Regular exercise also increases the production of synovial uid. This increases lubrication of the joints, aiding exibility.

Bone density and diet

Bone density is a measurement of the mineral content of the bone the greater the bone density, the stronger the bone. Bone density can be improved through a balanced diet containing: The mineral CALCIUM found in many foods including milk and green vegetables (e.g. broccoli). VITAMIN D found in eggs and oily sh. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium.

Weight-bearing activities
Weight-bearing activities are those that force your body to work against gravity. They do not include those where your weight is supported, for example cycling. Weight bearing activities include: walking running tennis aerobics.

Which of the following is the most benecial in your diet for ensuring a healthy skeleton? A Vitamin D B Vitamin C Although all options are important, C Protein vitamin D is the most bene cial as it D Carbohydrates

(1 mark)


aids an increase in bone density.


Using an example, explain why stronger ligaments and tendons will be benecial to a rugby player.

(2 marks)

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10/08/2012 09:39

Edexcel GCSE P.E. Revision Workbook Sample

Edexcel GCSE P.E. Revision Workbook Sample

Exercise & fitness


Agility, balance and coordination

1 hich of the following components of fitness is skill-related and the most important W for a goalkeeper diving to save a deflected shot on goal. (1 mark) A Agility B Power C Muscular strength D Body composition
The question asks for a component of skill-related fitness so you can cross out any options which are health-related.


Students have struggled with exam questions similar to this - be prepared!


2 his question relates to components of skill-related fitness which are used in physical activity T to contribute to a balanced healthy lifestyle. (a) tate the component of skill-related fitness being described in each statement: S (i) of the body quickly. (ii) Squash players need racket to the right place to strike the ball correctly. is the ability to change the direction (1 mark) to move the (1 mark)



3 Give examples to demonstrate the importance of agility in two different sporting activities. (2 marks) Squash players need agility to change direction quickly to reach the ball

Footballers need to use agility to


4 Give examples to demonstrate the importance of coordination in two different sporting activities. (2 marks)



5 xplain how the high jumper in Figure 1 uses balance E in her event.

(2 marks)
Draft - subject to review

Figure 1

Cardiovascular System

Edexcel GCSE P.E. Revision Workbook Sample

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Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular system: adaptations 2

1 One training adaptation that occurs as a result of regular participation in physical activity is that the heart rate returns to resting heart rate more quickly than before. Explain why this is an advantage when participating in physical activity. (1 mark)

blood pressure and cholesterol

1 Name the two different types of blood pressure. (2 marks)

2 Why are there two different types of blood pressure, rather than just one?

(3 marks)

2 One long-term adaptation of regular participation in physical activity is capillarisation. Explain the benefit of an increase in capillarisation to a hockey player. (3 marks)

3 Explain why blood pressure increases as a result of exercise.

(3 marks)

Students often find this topic difficult. Remember to use the number of marks available as a guide to the number of statements you make.

3 (a) What impact does regular training have on the equation below, when the performer is resting? (1 mark)

4 Which of the two types of blood pressure is higher in a healthy adult, and why?

(3 marks)

(b) Explain your answer to (a).

Cardiac output = HR SV

(2 marks)

5 Which of the following can cause deposits to build up in the arteries, making it harder for blood to circulate? (1 mark) A Light density lipoprotein B Low density lipoprotein C High density lipoprotein D Medium density lipoprotein

4 Which of the following resting heart rate values is the most likely for a trained athlete? (1 mark)

A 65 bpm B 65 mpg C 90 bpm D 220 bpm

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07/08/2012 15:18

Physical Activity

Edexcel GCSE P.E. Revision Workbook Sample

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Physical Activity

Continuous training
1 Identify three different types of activity where the performers would use continuous training to improve their fitness for their activity. (3 marks)

Fartlek training
1 (a) Describe why the area shown in Figure 1 below would be ideal for fartlek training. (3 marks)


2 Which of the following is not an example of a continuous training method? A Continuous training B Circuit training C Weight training D Fartlek training

(1 mark)


Figure 1 (4 marks)


3 Explain how continuous training could be used to improve all aspects of health.

Any form of regular exercise can improve physical, social and mental aspects of health. Continuous training would

(b) Identify two different types of performers who would benefit from using this training. (2 marks)


Note the key word dierent. A footballer would be a good example, but not if your other example is a rugby player, as they would both be the same type of player (games players).

Exam questions similar to this have proved especially tricky in the past be prepared!

(c) Identify two components of fitness that would be most likely to improve as a result of using this training. (3 marks)

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07/08/2012 15:17

Physical Activity

Edexcel GCSE P.E. Revision Workbook Sample

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Physical Activity

Principles of training: Specificity

1. The performers listed below all apply the principles of training to their training programmes. Name the training method these performers would be most likely to use if applying the principle of specificity to their training. (4 marks) (a) 100 m sprinter

Principles of training: Individual differences / needs, and rest and recovery

1 As part of an active, healthy lifestyle, an individual may apply the principles of training to produce a Personal Exercise Programme. Which of the following statements relates to the principle of individual needs in training? (1 mark) A Gradually making the body work harder because you are not as fit as someone else. B Following a standard recovery programme after injury. C Ensuring you have sufficient rest before continuing, even if this means following a different training programme than others in your team. D Tailoring your training to meet the demands of your sport, no one elses.

interval training (b) Long distance runner

(c) Shot putter

(d) Games player

2 Two GCSE PE students were using fartlek training to improve their performance in their activities. One of the students played football; the other was a cross-country runner. Describe how each would adapt their use of this training method to follow the principle of specificity. (4 marks)

2 While exercise is an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle, too much exercise can lead to injury. Name a principle of training, other than progressive overload, that can reduce the (1 mark) chance of injury.

3 Explain the principle of individual differences and the value of applying it to your training programme. (3 marks)

(4 marks)
Remember specificity is about the sport not the person.

4 Apart from reducing the likelihood of sustaining injury through overuse, give another reason why the principle of rest and recovery is so important. (1 mark)

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07/08/2012 15:17

Skeletal System

Edexcel GCSE P.E. Revision Workbook Sample

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Skeletal System

Skeletal system and exercise

1 (a) (i) Which one of the following activities is most likely to reduce the chance of osteoporosis? (1 mark)

Potential injuries: Fractures

1 (a) What type of injury is shown in images A, B, C and D below? (1 mark)




Bobsleigh A B C D

(a) (ii) Name two other weight-bearing activities.

(2 marks)


(b) In the spaces provided, name the different variations of the type of injury shown in A, B, C and D. (4 marks) A B C Compound

(b) State the difference between weight-bearing activities and non-weight bearing activities. (1 mark)

(c) Describe injury A and give an example of when it may occur due to physical activity. (2 marks)

(c) Give four advantages of weight-bearing activities for the skeletal system.

(4 marks)

(d) Describe injury C and give an example of when it may occur due to physical activity. (2 marks)

g b

2 Which of the following mineral is associated with stronger bones? A Calcium B Iron C Sodium D Granite

(1 mark)

3 Give a reason why it is beneficial to have stronger bones when taking part in physical activity.

(1 mark)

2 Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for the types of injury shown in 1 (a)? (1 mark) A Have the player assisted from the field of play and allowed to rest B Seek medical assistance C Bandage D Rest Ice Elevation Impression

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08/08/2012 14:04

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