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Strattonville News
-Bringing Real Life to Learning-


Whats New
Strattonville Families, fall is officially here! The mornings are cool and the days are getting shorter. For Strattonville, the month of October is PACKED! Along with the seasonal changes, Strattonville is going through some as well. Students are polishing their resumes, practicing their interviewing skills, and gearing up to head to work The first major event Strattonville had was the job fair. The student managers and teacher facilitators collaborated and created some incredible Tri-Fold Display Boards. Student managers discussed with prospective student employees about job opportunities, venture missions, and agency goals. Students were asked to determine their TOP 5 ventures/agencies of interest. I had several students tell me Mr. West, I want to work at them ALL!!!There was definitely a buzz in the air! Following the Job Fair were the School-wide interviews! This year student managers interviewed one grade level per day and the process was incredibly smooth! Students brought their three resumes and a smile, and were greeted by the student managers with a handshake. All in all, it was been an incredible experience to see how much enthusiasm, skill, and preparedness our students have displayed. What a difference a year makes! Kids are building upon their experience from last year and knocking these interviews out of the park! The students will receive notification about their job placement next Tuesday. Once that happens, students will begin reporting for work. Their first few days at work will be spent getting to know one another, identifying venture goals and mission, talking about different job responsibilities, practicing venture specific procedures, and ultimately, preparing for the opening market time scheduled for November 6-8. We are spending extra time in the ventures this year prior to opening because we want to really focus on quality. Our focus is not the end product, but the process that leads to that product.

October 11
General Election Strattonville citizens will once again head to the polls and vote for Mayor, Chief Crime Stopper, and their grade level District Representative October 12 Inauguration Ceremony Strattonville City Council members will be honored and sworn in at a ceremony with the whole school. From 8:00-8:50 October 17 1st Day on the Job Students will report to their venture/agency for the first time. They will learn about job responsibilities, goals and mission of the venture/agency, etc.


FALL 2016

News Continued:
With all of this attention given to the start up of ventures and agencies, let us not forget the students who are campaigning for a spot on the Strattonville City Council! Students have been making posters, planning, writing, and giving speeches, and prepping for the big election. Our primary election was last Thursday and our General Election will be this Thursday, October 11. Once again, we have had assistance from the Champaign County Clerk, Gordy Hulten. The clerks office has provided voting tabulating machines and created all of our ballots for us. The following students are on the ballot for the general election:

1. Ask your student what ventures or agencies they applied and interviewed at. Which were their TOP 5? 2. Ask your student whom they voted for in the election. Why is voting important? 3. Ask your student about whats on their resume. How does a resume help them?
This year at Stratton, we are very interested in getting community and Strattonville family experts into the classroom and school. The goal is to have a mentor for EVERY venture and agency.

Strattonville City Mayor: Ashton Brown & Khyaira Jones Chief Crime Stopper: Amari Houston & Riley Smith 2nd Grade District Rep: Ariyah Harris & Abbigail Armstrong 3rd Grade District Rep: Alexa Sutton & Tamia McGill 4th Grade District Rep: Gloria Park & Andrea Perry 5th Grade District Rep: Itzel Ambrocio & Caelon Langley

This Friday, the winners of the Strattonville City Council general election will be honored and sworn in at our inauguration ceremony from 8:00-8:50 am.

-Ways to stay connected1. Websites: on a computer OR smartphone
This site is all about our magnet theme. There is a Meet the Staff page that has photos and interesting information about our staff. There is also a forum for questions, and topics for discussion.

What does a venture/agency mentor do you ask??? There are many ways; here are a few: Share expertise Model job-specific techniques Donate real-world materials Invest in their community by investing in education We want Strattonville students to learn about & experience as many different kinds of jobs, unique skills, hobbies, talents, etc. as possible.
This site doesnt have much information and isnt very interactive. There IS however, contact information and a list of faculty and staff.

2. Twitter follow us at strattonville@twitter 3. No Internet or smartphoneNO PROBLEM:

stop in, chat, and pick up the latest news

If you have an expertise that you would like to share, please contact Site Coordinator, Charles West @ or 217-373-7330

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