Annual Report 2012 Final Draft

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First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton, California 2011-2012 Annual Report Table of Contents
Page Agenda of the June 10, 2012 Annual Congregational Meeting ................................................................... 1-2 Minutes of the June 12, 2011 Annual Congregational Meeting.................................................................. 3-6 Letter from the President ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Report from the Minister.................................................................................................................................... 8-9 Committee Reports Adult Religious Education Advisory Group ............................................................................................... 10 Art Committee.................................................................................................................................................. 10 Building and Grounds Committee................................................................................................................ 10 Committee on Ministry .................................................................................................................................. 10 Congregational Support Committee ............................................................................................................ 14 Endowment Committee .................................................................................................................................. 11 Event Planning Committee ............................................................................................................................ 11 Membership Committee ...........................................................................................................................11-12 Nominating Committee.................................................................................................................................. 12 Personnel Committee ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Pledge Drive Committee ................................................................................................................................ 13 Religious Education Committee .............................................................................................................14-15 Robert E. Green Memorial Scholarship Committee ................................................................................. 15 Worship Associates .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Organization and Activity Reports Book Group....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Mens Group ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 Unitarian Universalist Alliance................................................................................................................16-17 UU Books and Gift Store .............................................................................................................................. 17 Treasurers Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2010-2011................................................................................... 18 2012-2013 Proposed Budget ..................................................................................................................19-20 Appendix A: Chart of Attendance Numbers for Religious Education

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

Annual Congregational Meeting of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton, California Sunday, June 10, 2012 Agenda
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Call to Order .............................................................................................. Ben Cervantes, President Inspiration .............................................................................................................. Rev. Art Severance Approve minutes of last years Congregational Meeting (see page 3-6) Accept the Treasurers Report (see page 18) Proposed By-Law Change: Article V, Section 8, adds Article X, Section 4 and renumbers the remaining Sections in Article X.

Elect the Board of Trustees and others. The Nominating Committee has submitted the following slate: a. Board of Trustees (Three-year term, 2012 2015) i. Herman Washington (First Term) ii. Jeri Bigbee (First Term) iii. Lauri McKindley (Second Term) b. Board of Trustees vacancy (One-year term, 2012 2013) i. Ernie Garcia Continuing Trustees: Ben Cervantes (2010 2013), Rebecca Douglass (2010 2013), Art Cofod (2011 2014), Dwane Milnes (2011 2014), Dorothy Sandelius (2011 2014) c. Nominating Committee (One-year term, 2012 2013) i. Doray Johnson ii. Liz Newman iii. Jan Vernor-Howard d. Endowment Committee i. Janet Bonner (2012 2014) ii. Mary Bullard (2012 2014) iii. Art Cofod (2012 2015)

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011


The Board submits for ratification the following list of officers:

e. President: Ben Cervantes f. Vice President: Dwane Milnes g. Secretary: Art Cofod h. Treasurer: Dorothy Sandelius
8. 9.

Introduce the list of delegates for General Assembly: TBA Adopt a budget for Fiscal Year 2012 2013 (see pages 19-20)

10. To consider other such business as may properly come before the meeting. 11. Adjourn the meeting

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

Minutes of the Annual Congregational Meeting of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton, California
Sunday, June 12, 2011 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Church President, Ben Cervantes at 11:50 am. David Turner, Church Vice-President was assisting. 2. Inspiration: Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig led the congregation in our Covenant message. 3. Minutes: Pete Chadwick moved, and Lydia Chadwick seconded, that we accept the minutes. Time for the congregation to read them was requested. A correction: Kerry Keithcart should be changed from "she" to "he" (page 5 Annual Report). The minutes were approved as corrected. A signature list of members was circulated. A quorum was present. 4. Treasurer's report: Janet Bonner moved, and Harry Welte seconded, that we accept the treasurers report. (Page 22 Annual Report) It was approved by a voice vote. 5. Proposed By-Law Change: Barbara Bowers recommended staying with nine members on the Board of Trustees rather than reducing it to seven members. She noted that that gave more representation of the congregation and the spectrum was needed despite the small congregation. Religious Education and the Alliance are members of the Board. David Turner was concerned about particular church divisions being represented without a congregational vote. Christina Cervantes was concerned about Board burnout. She said that their talents can be utilized in other church areas. Judy Andrews moved that we change the elected number of Board members from nine to seven with the Alliance and RE continuing as ex-officio members. Rebecca Douglas seconded the motion. David Turner presented a friendly amendment that this would become effective next year at the Annual Meeting. The amendment was accepted by Judy and Rebecca. Bev Blum called for the vote. 13 Aye and 29 No. The motion failed. The number of Board members will remain at nine.

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

6. Election of Board of Trustees and Committees: The Nominating Committee submitted the following slate: a. Board of Trustees (Three-year term, 2011 - 2014) i. Art Cofod ii. Dwane Milnes iii. Dorothy Sandelius (Second Term) b. Board of Trustees vacancy (Two-year term, 2011 - 2012) i. Ernie Garcia c. Board of Trustees vacancy (One-year term, 2011 - 2012) i. Herman Washington ii. Doray Johnson Continuing Trustees: Ben Cervantes (2010 - 2013) Rebecca Douglass (2010 - 2013) Lauri McKindley (2009- 2012) A motion was made by Colleen Cook, and Seconded by Judy Andrews, that we accept the nominees as presented by the Nomination Committee. A voice vote approved the motion. The Nominating slate was presented: d. Nominating Committee (One-year term, 2011 - 2012) i. Judy Andrews ii. Rosemary Atkinson iii. Jessie Springborn Kay Owen moved, and Harry Welte seconded, that the slate be accepted. The motion passed on a voice vote. e. Endowment Committee (Three-year term, 2010 - 2013) Continuing their three-year terms. i. Dwane Milnes ii. Dave Hall

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

The following list of officers for the Board of Trustees was presented for ratification by the congregation: f. President: Ben Cervantes g. Vice President: Art Cofod h. Secretary: TBA i. Treasurer: Dorothy Sandelius Judy Andrews moved, and Doray Johnson seconded, that we accept the list of Board Officers as presented. The motion passed on a voice vote. 7. General Assembly: No delegates are attending this year. 8. Budget for 2011 - 2012: The proposed budget was presented by Bev Blum. She thanked the congregation for participating in the budget process and for their suggestions. Judy Andrews asked that Laura, as an employee, leave so that members of the congregation would feel more at ease to speak since the budget involved the ministerial salary. After some discussion, Laura agreed to leave. David explained that the Board recommended that the budget be approved with the stipulation that Laura's salary not be changed for the next two months in view of her departure in August. The Board will come back to the congregation in the near future to reexamine the budget going forward. A long discussion ensued. Concerns were expressed about the ministers salary and the costs of finding a new minister. Kay Owen moved, and Stan Sandelius seconded, that the budget be adopted as presented. Clarification was requested. The budget, as written, will reduce the ministerial salary as of July 1, 2011. David Turner moved, and Harry Mersmann seconded, that the minster's salary be kept for the next two months on the 2010 - 2011 budget. A lengthy discussion ensued. The question was called for.

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

Barbara Bowers and Rosemary Atkinson moved and seconded that discussion of the motion be stopped. The motion passed. A vote was taken on the amendment to not change the minister's salary for the next two months. Aye: 19, No: 25. The motion failed. A vote on the original motion to accept the budget as presented by the Finance Committee was passed. 10. Further Business: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:10 pm. Respectively submitted, lise Forbes, Board Secretary

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

Letter from the President Ben Cervantes

Dear Fellow Congregants It is my pleasure to be writing you once again near the end of another wonderful church year. I am actually in wonder of how fast this last year has passed. It seems like only months ago that I was sitting down to write to you for the first time. As usual, time, especially time spent busy, has a way of slipping forward. This past year has been quite busy. Starting at the 2011 Annual Meeting, the Board of Trustees has been involved in more than its usual items of interest. In June of 2011, our past minister tendered her Letter of Resignation, and left our congregation as Minister in the middle of August. The initial work of the Board was to reconcile the exit of our Minister, and arrange for the immediate future of the ministry of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton. It was at this time the Worship Associates took a collective step forward to fill in at the pulpit. Worship Associate Committee Chair Ernie Garcia worked with the Board to establish a strong connection to guest speakers and guest ministers, and a great group of Worship Associates took on the daunting task of writing and delivering original Sunday Services. This continued in full force from the months of September thru the end of January. I would like to congratulate this team of excellent congregants. In early January, the Interim Minister Search Committee recommended to the Board an excellent candidate for Interim Minister and on February 5th, 2012 the congregation was introduced to our new Interim Minister, the Reverend Arthur Severance. Rev. Severances enthusiasm, humor, and experience has provided the congregation with valued ministry. Rev. Severances presence at the monthly Board meetings has been greatly appreciated. The Board has also been hard at work these past few months working closely with the Finance Committee to create a Budget to present to the congregation for approval at the Annual Meeting. Beyond the 2012 Annual Meeting, the Board of Trustees has much more work on its plate. With the search for our next Minister beginning this summer, the Board will be working harder than ever, and will appreciate any and all feedback from the congregation. In closing, I would like to convey how excited I am for the coming 2012-2013 church year. This coming year, we have a once in a lifetime chance to celebrate our beautiful church. In March of 2013, the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton will be celebrating its 100th birthday. This is our collective opportunity to make the coming year one to remember. Imagine a gala celebration with many small events leading up to a grand finale on the 100th birthday. I urge those interested in planning and volunteering to come together for this great moment. Thank you all for another wonderful year Sincerely Ben Cervantes President Board of Trustees 7

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

Report from the Interim Minister Rev. Art Severance

At the time of writing this, I have served as your interim minister for only 4 months, having started in February, 2012. We have had 5 new members join since I've been here. I have enjoyed working with the Board and the active committees; current church leadership folks are working hard with great commitment to this church; they are a positive force for helping the church to survive and even thrive after a difficult period of conflict. It will be important to speak about feelings about that conflict and how to move ahead with forgiveness and love, especially for one another. It is also crucial to develop new leadership and spread around the responsibilities of leadership so that burn out does not become overwhelming. I have been concerned primarily with reading up on your history, getting to know the congregation, leading worship, working with existing committees, especially the Board, and encouraging the finding of leadership for vacant committee chairs (especially Membership, Events, and Social Justice). There are not many social activities occurring which are not related to fundraising, nor is there emphasis on social justice. I have also led an Adult RE course, Emerson, Thoreau, and Transcendentalism, for 18 participants; there were two times to meet, afternoon of evening, and the afternoon session makes up 95% of the class participants. I felt that this was an important resource for learning about the tradition of early Unitarianism and how it has influenced today's Unitarian Universalist thinking. In worship, I have tried to talk about ways of becoming a beloved congregation, especially after the recent conflict with the previous minister. Eventually, I hope to help the congregation develop not only a new mission statement, so that the church has an idea of where it wants to go, but also to develop a Behavior Covenant, so that it might be healed from the past conflict and learn how to prevent future conflict. It is also crucial that the congregation understand the role and relationship of ministry for the search for a new minister. I have worked with the Board, Finance, Personnel, RE, Pledge Drive, and Worship Associates Committee. Concerns are raised for the many committees which are not active. There is a feeling that many people are burned out; there is a lack of energy that needs to be further explored, as I talk to more and more people in past leadership positions. With the resignation of the office administrator, I have advertised the position in conjunction with the personnel committee. We also need to hire a new pianist with Haley graduating and leaving.

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

The website needs to be updated; it is one of the main ways new people, especially younger people have of exploring the church and what it stands for. We need to become part of the social networking media with Facebook, Twitter, etc, and currently don't seem to have anyone who is familiar with the process. Growth studies show that these are some of the best ways to advertise, and there is often little cost. I have enjoyed working with Michelle Mueller, the part time DRE, and feel there is great potential for expanding the program and especially her hours so that she can help us grow our RE program. Families with children are one of the greatest growth resources, since one of the most common reasons for finding a UU church is so the children can have some sort of religious life outside of traditionalism. Unfortunately I am planning to have surgery to repair problems with hip replacement which will take place in July, so I will be away for August as well. It would make sense to do this during summer at the lowest attendance time. I am hoping to get back full range of motion and eliminate the chronic pain. I will be meeting with the worship associates to help plan for those months. The great Sufi poet Rumi wrote, Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love. I believe that religion and church is about how to love better, fully, and eliminating the selfishness which holds us back from giving our all to love. I believe that is at the heart of the beloved religious community, and that when we use the word, God, we not argue about meaning, but remember the wisdom of the Bible when another ancient anonymous sage, a follower of Jesus, said simply, God is love. I believe in the world and the personal transforming power of Lovereligion as relationship. Let us also remember that our budget is a religious statement as well as a financial one, that we put our money where our heart is. Potential new ministers will look at what this church deems religiously important by how it forms (and funds) the annual budget, both now and in the past. Let love be our inspiration and our guide, and loving relationships one of our goals. May the next 100 years be even better and more fulfilling. Shalom and love, Rev. Art

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

COMMITTEE REPORTS Adult Religious Education Advisory Group

No report submitted

Building and Grounds Committee

The major change this past year has been the replacement of the air conditioning/furnace for the office wing of the church. It was the original unit installed when we added the wing, and has seen many years of faithful use. On a positive note, this new unit is so much more energy efficient that we should be seeing much lower utility bills, so much so that the savings will more than pay for the unit. The wayside pulpit is literally falling apart; the Alliance has graciously offered to oversee its replacement. We hope to have a new one up this year. And again, due to our ongoing budgetary problems, we shall be putting off any long term projects for at least the next fiscal year. Respectfully submitted, Harry Welte, Chair

Arts Committee
The Arts Committee consists of members Janet Bonner, Lois Hulsey and Mary Lois Thompson. Others are welcome to join or participate. The committee is responsible for promoting the arts and overseeing the aesthetics of church property. The committee also accepts and records, stores and exhibits the church art collection. The collection consists of pieces donated over the years by artists, artists' families, church friends and members. The pieces encompass a variety of styles and media. In June of last year, we displayed stoles from the National Gay and Lesbian Institute for Welcoming Resources. The stoles celebrated the gifts and lives of LGBT people of faith who have led the struggle for acceptance within churches of all denominations. The committee has also been exhibiting work from the church art collection. We would be happy to hear from anyone who has ideas for an exhibit. Respectfully submitted, The Arts Committee

Committee on Ministry
No report submitted

Congregational Support Committee

No report submitted


First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

Endowment Committee
Committee Members: Dwane Milnes Chair, David Hall Vice Chair, and Mary Bullard, Art Cofod, Janet Bonner. The Endowment Committee is responsible for managing the churchs Endowment Fund and other cash reserves in accordance with the policy guidance provided by the Enabling Resolution for Establishing an Endowment Fund adopted in November 2004 and subsequent policy action of the Board of Trustee updated in August 2011. Most of the cash reserves are in the Spaeth and Endowment Funds. We have continued investing the funds through Morgan Stanley. For the 12 months ending April 30, 2012, the account balance declined from $167,575.85 on April 30, 2011 to $162,929.40 on April 30, 2012. This reflects a decline in market value. Clearly the volatility of the market is affecting the value of the investments. In order to preserve the fund balance in both the Spaeth and Endowment Funds, the Endowment Committee recommended in March 2011 that withdrawals be limited to 4% per year of the rolling 13 quarter average. With a conservative annual average rate of return of 7-8%, this level of withdrawal will most likely allow the balance in both funds to increase at the rate of inflation. This will preserve the principal in current dollars. Budget savings resulting from the ministerial vacancy this past year made it unnecessary to use the Spaeth and Endowment Funds originally included in the FY 2011-12 Budget. This was a

positive thing, given volatility of the market.



After reviewing the Finance Committees FY 2012-13 Budget recommendations, the Board of Trustees voted to include a withdrawal of Spaeth Funds reflected in the FY 2012-13 draft budget of about 2% of the principal and withdrawal from the Endowment Fund of about 3% of the principal. Both actions are within the guidelines being followed by the Endowment Committee. For this coming year, the Endowment Committee plans on continuing its conservative approach to the use of invested funds to fund church activities and to encourage church members to consider including the church in their wills and trusts. Respectfully submitted, Dwane Milnes, Chair

Event Planning Committee

No Report Submitted.

Membership Committee
During the past year, there has not been a Membership Chair or organized Membership Committee. An effort will be made in this coming year to find members interested in reorganizing this committee which is so important for welcoming all and keeping in touch with church members, as well as contacting visitors and encouraging those interested to join our congregation.

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

Lacking an official committee, Christina Cervantes and Mary Bullard, with the able assistance of Rev. Art and Leslie & Herman Washington, conducted a Sunday afternoon membership class and we were delighted to welcome five new members. Those joining us this year are Pat Davis, Ginger Radin, Matthew Green, Juanita Palaganas and John Peters. Our gratitude goes to Doray Reid, who has continued to organize the greeters and ushers at the door each Sunday. We, of course, want our church to continue to be friendly and welcoming. We would enjoy resuming activities such as the Souper Sundays, to provide social opportunities for all of us, along with providing the warmth and additional educational contacts to transition visitors into new membership. Those interested in giving small amounts of time to help with this committee please contact either Christina, 373-3615, or Mary, 477-8745. Respectfully submitted, Mary Bullard

(One-Year term, 2012-2013) 4. Ernie Garcia (vacancy term) Endowment Committee

(Two-year term, 2012-2014)

1. Janet Bonner 2. Mary Bullard

(Three-year term, 2012-2015)

3. Art Cofod Nominating Committee

(One-year term, 2012-2013)

1. Jan Vernor-Howard 2. Liz Newman 3. Doray Johnson Respectfully submitted, Rosemary Atkinson, Judy Andrews, and Jessie Springborn

Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee is responsible for monitoring church contracts, assisting with evaluations, and the mandatory screening of RE Teachers, volunteers, child care workers and staff. This year the hiring of our music director and pianist and the screening of child care workers was completed. Our church administrator, Krista Snyder, who has provided TLC for our office will be leaving us by the end of June. The process for hiring a new administrator has begun as we bid Krista goodbye and thank her for her service. Janet Bonner, Chair Herman Washington, Joan Briscoe

Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following slate of nominees to the church membership: Board of Trustees

(Three-year term, 2012-2015)

1. Herman Washington (first term) 2. Jeri Bigbee (first term) 3. Lauri McKindley (second term)

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

Pledge Drive Committee

Though this committee meets monthly only in the early spring, its activities are many and varied, aimed toward obtaining the necessary financial commitment of members and friends of the church to ensure its support for the next fiscal year. We must select a theme for the drive and this year, because we are in the rather unique position of beginning the 100th year of our denomination in Stockton, it was 100+ Years and Still Moving Forward. We determine the goals and messages to be conveyed for our drive, designing and publishing our informational brochure, articles for the Communitarian and inserts for our Sunday orders of service, soliciting the testimonials of members, phone calls and e-mails to members and friends leading up to Pledge Sunday and our order of service cover for that day ties in with the theme. There's the recruiting and training of pledge stewards, overseeing the canvassing of those members and friends not able to attend Pledge Sunday, listing and tracking all pledges in our database, (This is an activity of the Lead Stewards which continues throughout the year.), and communication with our church Administrator. It falls to our minister to provide an inspiring Pledge Sunday sermon, and in this case, our Interim Minister, Rev. Art's, sermon was not only inspiring, but hilarious. The committee is also responsible for a hopefully amusing thematic skit during our service, as well as a luncheon

following for all who attend that day, not to mention the necessary set-up and clean-up involved. Pledging started out with a bang on Pledge Sunday, with a nice high spike in pledged amounts from those who were present, over that of last year. As follow-up pledging progressed, that spike shortened some, but, as one can see from the projected amount of pledge revenue indicated in the draft budget, next year's pledges are definitely increased over last year. This is good news and possibly an indication that economically things are brightening a bit. As is always true, some pledges were lost due to death, illness, and moves out of the area for employment or other circumstances. Those who enthusiastically gave of their time and energy on this year's committee: Dick Abood, Janet Bonner, Pete Chadwick, Art Cofod, Dorothy Sandelius, Bill Walker, and Rev. Art Severance. An extra big thank-you to Meredith (Maya) Abood for again designing our brochure's pledge graphic. Special appreciation to the others whose cheerful assistance must be acknowledged: Lauri McKindley, Liz Newman, John Peters, Cindy Milford, Colleen Beilby, Tory Sonstroem, Pat Davis, Ginger Radin, Al Babylon, and Krista Snyder. Respectfully submitted, Mary Bullard, Chair

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

Religious Education Committee

Registration and Attendance Numbers Michelle learned from Rev. Dan Harpers workshop, How to Grow an RE Program, at District Assembly that both of these measurements should be considered. In 2011-2012, we have had 14 childrens registrations between grades K-6 (10 families). We have a couple families who use the nursery semi-regularly. We have had about a dozen visitors to Religious Education class and to Nursery over the year. Some families have become regular attendants and participants in the class. I hope to see more of the other families. An area of the program I would like to strengthen in the coming year is welcoming and the return of visitors (eventually leading to membership in some cases). Our nursery staff helps in this regard. I have advised our staff to be very welcoming and to make personal connections with parents so that they want to bring their children back for RE or the Nursery. Parents and congregation members can also help by reaching out to families who visit with young children. Tell them about the strong Religious Education program that we have so that they will want to continue bringing their children, and in the case of the very little ones, so that they know they have the option to raise their children in our UU community. Please see our attendance numbers for Kindergarten-Sixth Grade for 2011-2012 in the table included in Appendix A.

Nursery averages 0-2 children. When there are no children in nursery, Childcare workers assist with K-6 children's religious education, or occasionally prep for the following week (under direction from DRE) following week. Our childcare workers are very helpful and warm. There are approximately 7 youth involved in Youth Group, which has met on occasion this year, including a service project and bowling trip. Youth Group (7th-12th Grades) Ben and Christina Cervantes stepped down as youth advisors in Fall. We thank Ben and Christina for their service! In the interim, DRE Michelle has coordinated some events and surveyed the needs of the group. Chesa Garlough will be assuming the volunteer position of Youth Advisor this summer. We will plan one pure-fun activity and one service project for high school youth this summer. Religious Education program for K-6: Workshop Rotation Model This year, under direction of DRE Michelle Mueller, we began a program inspired by the Workshop Rotation Model for Religious Education classes K-6. The Workshop Rotation Model is an innovative Sunday School model, started in Christian churches as an experimental way to teach children Bible stories. The model turned out to be effective means of education, and Unitarian Universalists adopted the model. The piece that (our DRE) Michelle has added is alignment of the Workshops with Unitarian Universalist principles. Program is conveniently described on our church website (Religious Education> For

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

Children and Youth> Workshop Rotations Through 7 UU Principles OR ). Michelle plans to continue using the Workshop Rotation Model in 2012-2013. Our Whole Lives Religious Education will offer OWL (Our Whole Lives) for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders in Fall 2012, with teachers Sarah Merz and Ben Cervantes. OWL classes will be every other Sunday between September and December 2012. (Parent/Child Orientation may be in August.) Staff Changes 2011-2012 has been the first year of DRE Michelle Muellers Religious Education ministry. Congregation held a DRE Installation service on December 18. Michelle had a positive first year and has enjoyed developing relationships with the families and members of First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton. Michelle would like to learn more about the committees of the Church in 2012-2013. Robin Welte left Childcare Provider position, as she was moving to Sacramento. Religious Education, in cooperation with Personnel Committee, led a search and hired Mikayla Meyling, a Stockton resident with experience at a YMCA camp, to the position of Childcare Provider.

We congratulate Alexandria Lenzi on her promotion to Childcare Provider position! Thanks also to Courtni Norris, our resident Childcare Provider Assistant, and to Robin Welte for her excellent work in childcare at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton! DRE Professional Development Michelle attended LREDA (Liberal Religious Educators Association) annual Fall Conference in Portland, where the focus was on sustainability. Sustainability of the program was Michelles particular interest. Michelle also attended District Assembly in Oakland. Michelles doctoral program is going well, and she has enjoyed balancing her life as a student with Religious Education work at First UU Church of Stockton.

Robert E. Green Memorial Scholarship Committee

No Report Submitted

Worship Associates
No Report Submitted


First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011


The book club is now in its sixth year and continues to thrive with both new and old members participating. We average between 10-15 members each month. Some of the books we read this year included: The Imperfectionists, Divisidero, Nothing to Envy, Ordinary Lives in North Korea, Flannery O'Connor's Short Stories, Sarah's Key, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet and Major Pettigrew's Last Stand to name seven. We held our annual Christmas potluck dinner and poetry reading at the home of Clair Trujillo which was a resounding success. I am pleased to report that Herman Washington, one of our original members, will be the new chairman. Respectfully submitted, Lonnie Martin, Chairman

Unitarian Universalist Alliance

The Alliance welcomes new members, men and women who would like to attend the various programs which we sponsor. During 2011-2012, the Alliance raised money by selling 100 jars of dried beans placed in jars, and topped with decorative material. Each jar was tied with a colorful ribbon which held the recipe for how to make soup. Profits were over $400.00. In addition, raffle tickets were sold for a $250.00 gift certificate to be used at the Lincoln Village Shopping Center. Profits from this venture were over $500.00. The Alliance offered a challenge grant to the Board of Trustees in the amount of $1,000.00 to rebuild the wayside pulpit. This project is still under consideration by the board however estimates have been received. Our fall tea was held at Colleen Cooks home where we all enjoyed home made cookies and fresh air. This year we held a meeting at the OConnor Woods Fitness Center where we learned how to Keep your Balance. In December our traditional red and green salad luncheon was held at the church and the program was presented by Forget Me Not Barbershop. As in the past, the Alliance participated in the Interfaith Tea held by the United Church Womens group. A festive table held a variety of foods made by members. The speaker was from the First Baptist church. Recently, the April meeting, held at the church, was a catered luncheon. The program was members from the National

Men's Group
The Men's Group meets the first and third Wednesday of the month in the evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and is open to all men who are friends and members of the church. Discussions vary and members often bring ideas and topics to share. Suggestions are always welcome for trips to interesting places and other events. Respectfully submitted, Al Babylon, Coordinator

First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

Pen Womens Group. They spoke of the organization background, read some of their poems, and showed various forms of their abilities as artists. The Alliance continues to support the churchs Religious Education program by providing up to $500.00 for their needs in the church school. In addition, as in the past, a donation of $100.00 was given to the Transitional Learning center, and funds are used to keep the kitchen sparkling clean. The annual spring luncheon will be held at Janet Bonners on June 13th Donations were made to the endowment fund in memory of Ann Trujillo and Pat Underhill. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Cook, Steering Committee

UU Books and Gift Store

No Report Submitted


First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

June 2011

Treasurer/Finance Committee Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2011-2012

The Finance Committee meets monthly, goes over the financial statements and reports to the Board. Weekly, money is counted and deposited by our Administrator Krista Snyder and Judy Andrews. The deposit record and bills to be paid then go to our bookkeeping team, Betty Newstrom and her daughter Janet Newstrom. They cut the checks, noting which of the 100 or so line items apply to each one. This work is done in the church office. The checks are left for the treasurer or another so authorized to sign. The bookkeeper prepares the financial statement each month. The Finance Committee and the Board review it. Each year the Finance Committee invites other church committees to submit budget requests and recommendations for the following year. The Committee then drafts a budget based on the Annual Pledge Drive results and one or more congregational discussions of the proposed budget prior to its final discussion and adoption at the Annual Meeting of the congregation in June. The 2011-12 budget was severe and practical -- a bare bones budget. It has worked, due in part to the fact we had no minister for 5 1/2 months. We plan to end this fiscal year with an overage of $15,000. This amount will be applied to the Search Committee as we look for a settled minister.

We've given our Music Director and DRE small raises and increased the DRE hours weekly by 1 1/2. We increased UUA and PCD dues by 10 %. We have included Spaeth Fund and Endowment Fund income, using only 3% of the earnings. We have realistically included Fundraising Events at $5,000. We very much need a LARGE, active Fundraising Committee, and congregational support of their activities. We have given over $2,500 from our monthly Social Justice collections to worthy organizations. From the Robert E. Green Memorial Scholarship Fund we have awarded a $900 scholarship. Members and friends have donated $320 to our Endowment Fund. We receive income from our two rental properties, which are being rented at market value. Our UU bookstore is another source of income and we encourage members to support its ongoing business. Many thanks to staff and the many church volunteers who are maintaining First UU Church of Stockton despite the persistent recession and very tight finances. Respectfully submitted, Committee Members: Chair, Bev Blum, Mary Bullard, Pete Chadwick, Ron Forbes, Harry Welte, Rev Art Severance and Treasurer, Dorothy Sandelius


First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

1st UU Church, Stockton DRAFT BUDGET '12-13 CURRENT YEAR BUDGET 2011-12 $ $ $ $ $ $ 127,500 1,800 4,400 4,000 1,500 500

June 2011

thru Apr. (8/10 of year) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 107,758 3,244 4,069 2,337 2,035 338 340 992 199 431 $ $ $

Draft 2012-13 $ 133,000 $ $ $ $ $ 2,500 4,400 2,500 1,500 320

REVENUES 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4100 4300 4500 4800 4900 Current Pledges Recovered Contributions Plate Donations Social Justice Donations Use of Facilities Coffee Donations Designated gifts Fundraising Events Bookstore Sales Misc. Ordinary Income Fund transfers Spaeth Fund earnings R. Green Schol. earnings Endowment earnings SUB-TOTAL 7000,7100 Income from rentals Estimated surplus 2011-12 TOTAL REVEN UES $ 25,200 $ 22,795 $ $ 25,200 15,000 $ $ $ $ 6,100 1,000 860 158,160 $ $ $ $ 121,743 $ $ $ 2,268 1,000 1,000 $ $ $ 9,000 500 1,000

$ $ $

5,000 250 300

* ambitious

<2% ~3%

$ 154,038

$ 183,360

$ 144,538


EXPENSES 5000 Minister compensation Search process next year Church Services 5110 5120 5130 5160 5150 Music Director Music guests Pianist Guest speakers Worship supplies $ $ $ 4,370 800 $ 3,600 $ $ $ $ 2,100 300 3,506 4,447 $ $ $ $ $ 3,750 4,370 5% inc. $ 81,147 $ 36,863 $ $ 81,147 15,000

May need $20K


First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton Annual Report

Religious Education 5210 5220,5200 RE Dir. Prof. exp., other 5240 5260 RE supplies Child care Administration 5301 5302 5310 5315 5320 5325 5330 5335 5340 5345, 5362 5360, 5361 5365 5399 5400 5505 5510, 5550 5515 5520 5530 5540 5545 5555 5560 5565 5575 Adm. Sal. Adm. Retir. 10%, 8mo. Bookkeeper Soc. Sec., Medicare Work Comp Bank charges Personnel Com. Pledge Drive Internet Off. Supplies Equip. lse, maint. Postage Other Building & Grounds Program Activities Publicity Membership Board activities Coffee hour Events Soc. Justice Leadership training Dues to nat'l UUA Dues to Pac. Dist. UUA Green sch'ship Bookstore exp. SUBTOTAL 8000, 8100 Expenses from rentals Contingency TOTAL EXPENSES Balance $ 182,637 $ 723 $ 119,005 $ 25,533 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 150 500 4,000 320 500 1,000 1,000 300 166,137 16,500 $ $ $ $ $ $ 375 750 900 512 110,590 8,415 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 16,875 1,125 3,850 3,850 930 200 100 700 470 2,200 3,400 1,100 300 19,900 250 200 $ ? $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,769 3,351 519 139 226 453 500 2,048 3,099 392 221 21,802 253 266 295 126 135 2,227 12,942 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $194,238 $ 16,875 3,300 3,850 930 160 100 550 600 2,200 3,200 1,000 300 19,900 250 100 150 2,500 550 1,100 1,000 250 177,738 16,500 $ $ 300 2,500 $ $ $ 395 282 1,597 $ $ $ 200 300 2,081 RE Director Salary $ 10,200 $ 6,800 $ 12,025

June 2011

5% & 1-1/2+ hour/wk

S.B. $8,526 ($58 per) S.B. $3,528 ($24 per)

Note: NONE


Appendix A Attendance Numbers 2011-2012 First Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton, Religious Education
Month Date Attendance K-6 Month Date Attendance K-6 Month Date Attendance K-6 3 3 10 4 July 17 4 24 N/A 31 2 7 7 August 14 21 2 N/A 28 9 4 3 September 11 18 9 N/A 25 5 2 10 October 9 16 5 10 31 10

6 6

November 13 20 8 5

27+ N/A

4 4

11 10

December 18+ N/A


8 5

January 1522 N/A 6

29 2

5 11

February 12 196 N/A

26 N/A

4 6

March 11 18+ 1 N/A

25 0

1 8

April 8 15 4 9

22 4

6 4

May 13 20 11 6


3 8

June 10 17 N/A N/A

24 N/A

+ Multigenerational worship service - Holiday weekend

Average Attendance per Month

July 3.3 Aug. 6.0 Sept. 5.7 Oct. 8.8 Nov. 6.3 Dec. 7.0 Jan. 4.3 Feb. 8.5 Mar. 2.3 Apr. 6.3 May 5.5 June 8.0

Average Sunday attendance for YEAR (K-6th Grades) = 6

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