Acceptance Letter Scott Shanks To Lombok 10 Sep-7 Okt 26.07.12

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Dr. Scott Alexander Shanks Senior Fisheries Technician Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry AUSTRALIA Dear Dr.

Scott, Subject: Letter of Invitation for Dr. Scott Alexander Shanks

July, 2012

Referring to ACIAR letter dated 25 July 2012 regarding the plan of your visit to Mariculture Development Center Lombok Indonesia to carry out lobster work for ACIAR Project No. SMAR/2008/021, herewith Directorate General of Aquaculture with all respect gladly invite you to visit Indonesia for the period of 10 September 7 October 2012. As I have been informed by ACIAR Jakarta, your detail personal is as follow: Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Nationality Passport Number Date of Issue Date of Expiry Place of Issue : Scott Alexander Shanks : 14 June 1975 : Townsville : Australian : M8203044 : 7 February 2008 : 7 February 2018 : Canberra- Australia

Looking forward seeing you soon in Mataram-NTB, Indonesia. Sincerely yours,

Abduh Nurhidayat National Coordinator ACIAR Spiny Lobster Project Directorate General of Aquaculture Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Indonesia cc: 1. Directore General of Aquaculture, MMAF Indonesia 2. ACIAR Representative Office in Indonesia 3. Head of Marine and Fisheries Research and Development Agency 4. Head of Mariculture Development Center Lombok 5. Head of Center of Analysis of International Cooperation and Inter-Institutions

D:/Lazuardi/KSP/Bilateral/Memo/Acceptance 26.07.12.doc









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