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Adult Religious Education Program Led by Interim Minister "Emerson, Thoreau and the Transcendentalists" "Cultural Literacy for

Religion: Everything the Well Educated Person Should Know" "Spiritual Literacy: Exploring What We Believe" The Adult Religious Education committee had become dormant, the chair having medical problems, so I have been planning and leading Adult RE. I have led two Adult Religious Education courses and plan a third in the winter semester. The first two are using DVDs from "The Teaching Company; Great Courses." We listen to a 1/2 hour lecture, discuss it, and then repeat, so that we cover two lectures a meeting. I offered it for either Tuesday evening or Wednesday at 1:00PM. I found that the evening session dwindled in number down to 1 or 2 people, so cancelled the evening sessions. The afternoon session always had between 8 and 16 people, obviously attracting folks who are either retired or not working full time. The course I will be offering Literacy: Exploring What We Believe," Literacy" edited by Frederic and Mary resources to help people explore what "spiritual" for them. Ad feedback | AdChoices this winter is "Spiritual using the text, "Spiritual Brussatt as well as other they believe and what is

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