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Text Feature Tic-Tac-Toe

On what page would you

find what they
different forms
of water are?

What is the definition

of invisible?

What forms of water

can you see in the
picture on page 10?

Write the caption

from the picture
on page 8.







On what pages could you

find information about

Using the caption and

picture on page 11, how
does the snowman melt?

What is evaporation?









On what page does

the section about
Changing Water start?


Where can you find

water? (use page 4)


The index is on what


The glossary is on what



Information about
clouds can be found on
what page?




Why is water important?

(page 14)

(Use page 9)

Describe the picture on

page 13. (Use caption)


Most of Earth is
covered with


Most of the water we

see is a
(page 7)

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