Vroomshoop, 2012-11-15

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Vroomshoop, 2012-11-15

VOC Developments Nigeria Ltd. 6B George Street Ikoyi, Lagos Nigeria (W) www.vocdevelopmentsnigeria.com CAB van der Vinne Hammerweg 15 7681 EH Vroomshoop The Netherlands

The Nigerian Business and Investment Forum 2012 is taking place from 3-6 December 2012 at the World Forum in the Hague. This event is being supported by the NABC and the Nigerian-Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (NNCC).

The Forum aims to boost trade and economic relations as well (M) +234 (806) 4477906 (T) +31 (6) 58838047 as promoting investment opportunities. In doing so, the Forum (E) j.vinne@gmail.com provides the opportunity for Dutch companies and business organizations to negotiate and enter into joint ventures or business agreements with their Nigerian counter-parts, including Nigerian State Governors and Ministers and notable Nigerian business chieftains, on all areas of business. The business areas include power and energy; oil and gas; agriculture; transportation (rail/trams, ship, road); infrastructures (road, bridges, waterways, airports, and other construction works); information and communication technology (ICT); telecommunications; manufacturing; building and construction; mining and solid materials; tourism; entertainment industry; and so on. The costs for participation for the four-day event is as follows:

600 euros for companies (with max. 2 company representatives attending at this price thereafter 300 euros per person) 300 euros for individual entrepreneurs

Note: No intending participant will be registered for participation without payment except for sponsors or donors. For more information on the event (incl. registration, program, payments, etc.) please visit or contact the Embassy of Nigeria (T) +31 (0) 70 350 2147 (E ) nigerianthehague@gmail.com or Independent Business developer specialized in Nigeria Joop van der Vinne Hammerweg 15 7681 EH Vroomshoop The Netherlands (M) +234 (806) 4477906 (T) +31 (6) 58838047 (W) www.nigeria4all.com

Managing partner Managing partner

: J.N. (Joop) van der Vinne : Tolu Odebiyi

(M) +234 (80) 64477906 (E) j.vinne@vocdevelopmentsnigeria.com (M) +234 (80) 36058080 (E) t.odebiyi@vocdevelopmentsnigeria.com

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