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Th e R oa d Ba c k t o

September 18, 2012 I never thought that I could wander so far from home. There are so many things I want to say, but I cannot seem to find the adequate words to write it. Though, I have not yet journeyed outside the land where I was born. I could say that I had my fair share of travels. Countrysides, tourist spots, rural and urban areas, I had been to different places but none of those gave me a sense of belongingness. A friend of mine always says that the exciting part about travelling is reaching the destination. I often feel that greatest part of a journey is the journey itself and the destination is just an added bonus. There so many things to see while you are on the road before reaching your destination, so many things to discover, people to see even if it just a millisecond glance and different stories and occurrences along the way. One of the most interesting things that I am always excited about in these travels is seeing a cemetery by the national road. It never ceases to amaze me how many graveyards that are situated alongside the national highway for every traveller to see especially up North. Cemetery fascinates me. The eerie feeling you have when you are in the place gives sort of mixed emotions. Like, letting your imagination run wild about the spirits that might be wandering off from every direction, reading the tombstones and trying to draw your own conclusion who the person who was buried beneath the ground, what kind of life he lived, how he died and where his spirit had gone to after this life. At the same time, makes you sad and think about your own mortality.

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