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Political Spectrum Test

Go to and complete the survey there. Where did you fall on this Compass: (copy and paste your compass below). Mark and label the placement of three other famous people.

Research what your location on the compass means about you. Write a paragraph below explaining what you find.


Directions: Research the following issues, using reliable Internet websites for information. Record the key components of a typical liberal view of this issue, and the components of a typical conservative view.
TAXATION Questions to consider: Are taxes acceptable? Should we have a flat tax or a progressive tax? What should tax dollars be used for? Liberal Conservative


BUSINESS REGULATION Questions to consider: Are they in favor of government regulation of business? What are the benefits? What are the cons? Example programs or policies that they favor? Liberal Conservative


CIVIL RIGHTS Questions to consider: How do they feel about extending equal treatment to minority groups, including women, homosexuals, and racial groups? How do they feel about policies like gay marriage, gays serving openly in the military, or affirmative action for racial minorities? Liberal Conservative


IMMIGRATION Questions to consider: Should illegal immigrants be granted amnesty? Should immigration restrictions be tightened? Are immigrants good for the U.S. economy? Liberal Conservative


FOREIGN POLICY/FOREIGN AFFAIRS Questions to consider: What is the role of the United States in the world? Should we take an active humanitarian role? Should the government encourage free trade? Liberal Conservative


HEALTH CARE Questions to consider: How do they feel about state-provided health care? Is universal access to public health-care a right? How does it affect private insurers? Liberal Conservative



Questions to consider: Who should have more control, local, state or the national government? Is government too big, too small, or just the right size? Should the Constitution allow for flexibility and interpretation, or should we interpret it strictly?
Liberal Conservative


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