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pr. Take Nag la 24¢19-2611 OO i= [™ Renewable aa Preface Chapter 1 A Thermodynamics Review 1-1 Inirodtion 1-2 The Fics Law and the Open System 1.3 The First Law and the Closed System 1-4 The Cycle 1-5 Property Relationships 1-6 The Second Law of Thermodynainios 1-7 The Concept of Reversiilty 1-8 The Concept of Entropy -9 The Carnot Gysle Chapter 2 The Rankine Cycle 21 tatroduction 2.2 The Ideal Ratikine Cycle 23 The Externally Irreversible Rankine Cycle 2-4 Superheat 25 Reheat 26 Regeneration 2-7 The Internally Ireversible Rankine Cycle 12-8 Open or Direct-Coniaet Feedwater Hosters 2-9 Closed-Type Feedwater Heaters witp Drains Cascaded Backward 2-10 Closed-Type Feedvater Heaters with Drains Pumped Forward 2-11 The Choice of Feedwater Heaters 2-12 Effioienay and Heat Rate 2-13 The Placement of Feedwater Heaters 2-14 Suporertical-Pressure Cyele 2415 Cogeneration Chapter 3 Fossil-Fuel Steam Generators 344 Introduction 3-2 The Fire-Tube Boiler See SAIMyvessekeee se Bea seer-- € = weomens 3.3.The Walee-Tube Boiler: Barly Developments 8 43-4 The WaterTube Boiler: Recent Developments "7 3:5 Water Circulation ° 4-6 The Sica Drum * 3-7 Supercars and Reheaters %6 3-8 Once-through Boilers ” 3-9 Economiaeis wo 3-10 Air Prcheatrs 102 $11 Fans 15 3-12 The Stack no 3.13 Steam-Generator Control us Chapter 4 Fuels and Combustion me 41 tnteduction 12 42.Coal 133 4-3 Coal Aualysis 128 44 Coal Fring 8 4-5 Mechanica Stoker: 10 46 Pulverized-Coal Firing 32 47 Cyclone Furnaces 0 48 Fluidied-Bed Combustion 42 49 Liquid Fuels “7 4-10 Liquid, Gas, and Soli By-produets 150 4-11 Symbetie Fuels in 4-12 Biomass 139 4.13 The Heat of Combustion ist 4-14 Heating Values 16s 4.15 Combustion Tempertures 167 Chapter 5 Turbines in $41 Introduction 2 5-2 The impulse Principle im 5-3 Impulse Turbines 1 $-4 The Resston Prveiple 190 5-5 Reaction Turbines i9t 5-6 Turbine Losses 17 5-7 Tube Etficensies 204 5-8 Turbine Arangemeats 206 5-9 Gas Turbines ait Chapter 6 The Condensate-Feedwater System 219 61 Intoduetion 219 6-2 DirestContaet Condensors 20 6-3 Surface Condensers: Gener] 2 (4 Surace-Condenser Caloulations 233 {6-5 Closed Feedwater Heaters: General 28 6-6 Closod-Feedwater-ttester Calculations 22 {6-7 Open Feedwater Heaters 248

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