Mate I Paval Uca

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Contact Information

address: Str. Colonel Buzoianu Nr. 20A, Brasov, Romania mobile: +40 728 245 508 e-mail:


Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania

Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science Undergraduate Student Expected graduation date: July 2014 Andrei Saguna National College, Brasov, Romania Computer Science and Mathematics Major

October 2010 present

September 2006 June 2010

Professional Experience

Google Summer of Code 2011 Student Developer, mentored by Samuel Pitoiset

May 2011 September 2011

Improved the Freedroid level editor. Automated the addition of bots and improved the user interface. Languages used: C

Computer Skills

Programming Languages: Good knowledge: C Medium knowledge: Java, C++, Bash Beginner: Python Versioning Systems: Git-Svn Operating Systems: Linux

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