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When going for an interview, an interviewer needs to find out as much as they can about you in a very short time. They do not need to find out what kind of worker you are, but also what kind of person you are, to know whether you will fit in etc. The questions below are fairly standard and you should be prepared to answer all of these questions similar to these in an interview. 1. Tell me about yourself? Start with a very brief description of where you were born, family etc. Emphasise interests and hobbies that are job related and tell the employer what you like to do in your spare time, as long as it doesnt clash with work hours. (It is important to show the employer that you are a well rounded person ie: More interests than just work.) Mention any clubs or organisations that you might be a member of. Past work experience (voluntary, paid, part-time etc). Your training and education. Your strong interest and enjoyment of work. (Explain what you have done that was enjoyable). 2. Have you ever done this kind of work before? Never say NO to this question. You would not have applied if you did not think you could do this job. Tell them about: Your past experience related to the job. Your education and training related to the job. Non-paid experience related to the job. How quickly you have learnt new things in the past. 3. Why do you want to work here? Best to talk about: What you know about the company. The company has the kind of job you are looking for. You like this kind of job. You feel you have the skills and qualities they are looking for and the personality to fit. 4. Why did you leave your last job? Only mention the reasons that are favourable to you. Cut back on staff. Lost of contract. Laid off due to lack of work. It was a seasonal job. It was a casual/temporary position. High staff turnover not a stable environment. I want to go in a different career direction

I gained more qualifications and am looking to move up the ladder. Looking for a new challenge. Avoid saying you were sacked or had a punch up with the supervisor similar unless the interviewer indicates they are going to do a referee check with your past employer. In this instance, be honest. Tell the interviewer what happened in a positive way. Emphasise the positive aspects of your last job and link the new job with your reason for leaving. Avoid running down or criticising a past employer. 5. Why should we hire you instead of someone else? Have you analysed the job and identified your strengths in key competencies with examples? List your skills and personal qualities which will be an asset to the company. Consider any voluntary work/work experiences and paid work to use in your explanations. Talk about any training you have done in the past which will help you pick up the tasks quickly. Link any outside hobbies/interests which have given you skills you can use in the job. Remember: If you cant tell the interviewer why they should hire you, who can? 6. How is your health? Unless you have a medical condition or disability which may affect your ability to do the job answer: My health is excellent or My health is really good or I am as fit as a Mallee Bull or something similar. If you do have a disability which is obvious to the interviewer, mention it but point out your abilities not the disability. If you have had a past medical condition e.g.: back injury but it is okay now, then dont mention it. Most companies these days require a new employee to undergo a medical check. Most Medical checks also test for drugs. 7. When are you available to start? As soon as possible is a good answer. Hesitation might be seen as you not wanting the job. If you are working in some casual job, let the interviewer know how much notice you either have to give or would like to give. If the employer thinks you are good for the position, they will wait. If there are things happening in your life which stop you from starting straight away, tell the interviewer straight be honest. 8. What are your strengths? This is a similar question to Why should we hire you instead of someone else? Quickly list your strong points, both in skills and personality Reliability Enthusiasm Flexibility Team Player

Quality of your work Skills in operating certain equipment Can you provide examples of these qualities? Do you have materials (photos, documents etc) of these qualities? Do you have the materials in your portfolio? 9. What are your weaknesses? Dont try to pretend that you have no weaknesses. Give and example that will not damage your chances e.g.: I tend to be a workaholic or I dont like to give up on things give an example that shows that you can analyse your efforts and make changes. 10. How did you get along with your last employer? If you can, give a referee they can contact at your place of employment. Answer the question in general, positive terms. If you didnt get along very well with or were sacked by your last employer, focus on what you have learned and what you can do better; talk about the positive things you can think of. 11.What are your long-term goals? Talk about settling into this position first but that you are looking for long term employment in a quality company. If you have an interest or a hobby which you have long term goals for, tell them. This will show that you can set goals. Say why this goal is good for the company. 12. What kind of equipment can you operate? Be specific. If you can, say the names, models etc of machines eg: Hercus 745H Centre Lathe. If you cant remember names etc, say the types of machines: - Arc welder - Stamping machine - Forklift - Overlocker - 10 line switchboard Highlight your ability to learn new skills.

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