RCBKS Bulletin Vol 21 No 18

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Vol 21 Number 18


17 November 2012

Launch of the Yayasan Rotary Education Awards Malaysia

Yayasan Kelab Kelab Rotary Malaysia

Photos courtesy of Steven Lim

Movers and Shakers

District 3300 Rotary Clubs


.....continued on page 3

Guests: Rina Peng guest of James Cheong Gerrie Ann guest of Steve Attendance: 40 % Sunshine Box: RM 58

MARAH Malaysians Against Rape Assault and snatcH

We hear about the anonymous people of the Blogoshpere and wonder just who they are and whether they really exist. Well last Saturday we had the pleasure to meet one of them - Dave Arvan was his name and he looked decidedly normal. But as a person he wasn't decidedly normal. He took it upon himself to say NO! and used his knowledge and skills of the Internet to set up a Facebook Group called MARAH - Malaysians Against Rape Assault and snatcH. Often we talk about the problems of security and safety in our society and more often do absolutely nothing about it. Not so for Dave! What is fantastic is the power of the internet in disseminating the message (once to right "hook" is baited). Within 3 days - Politicians were in contact with him, within 6 days - Other Bloggers were taking up the message, within 9 days - the online Press were interested within 21 days - the Print Media caught on AND within 28 days -10,000 people had joined the programme. What is the programme - well you can find it here -

-Report from Steve Robinson:

District Conference: Steve gave a detailed presentation of the current state of play for the District Conference. He reminded us that RCBKS is responsible for the Vendors tables and although the response had been good (Thanks to Jeremy's hardwork) some more promo work was required. He confirmed that The Alliance of Chin refugees Pitch had been sponsored by the club and that Aravind will be setting up a Stall to sell the collection of Coffee table books he bought to the club in recent weeks the income from any sales will go into the Club Funds. Questioned about the location of the Vendor Stalls, Steve felt that they were well located - close by the main registration desk, tea and coffee spots and effectively between the main hall and workshop rooms. Club Elections: Steve advised us that as per normal at the AGM we would be electing the Officers for the next Rotary year and it was important that all were involved. An e-mail of the nomination form had been sent out to all members. Nominations open on the 17 November and close on 7 December in time for the AGM on 8 December.

www.facebook.com/ MARAH4safety
It's a 24/7 portal about counselling, support, and providing hotspot information and detection. For his efforts Dave was awarded the Social Media Personality Award for 2012 by the National Press Club. He has also become closely involved in advising various public institutions on the concerns of us - Citizens. Although MARAH was the main aim of Dave's presentation, through a very comprehensive series of questions raised by members, he also gave us an insight what makes a succeful Social Media campaign. The most important lesson here seems to be having a great buy-in line - If you don't grab people's attention within 4 seconds then you won't - ever. I've often heard that the quality of a presentation is dependent on the number of questions it elicites from the audience. Well if Dave's presentation is anything to go by it was top notch. Cecilia was struggling to brings things to a close "Just one last question again!"

You can catch Dave here www.blogger.com/profile/2992674

This Week's Speaker

Speaker: Rtn Steven Lim Title: KL Heritage Trail - Beginning of the Muddy Estuary

25 November (Sunday) Dinner meeting cum Fellowship 1 December Speaker: Teh Chi-Chang Topic: PEMANDU and the ETP How to make Business as usual look Good 8 December RCBKS 21st AGM & Elections

Report from the Yayasan Training Workshop ...cont. from pg 1

....report from Dr. Kong It was an amazing day today at the REA Seminar. PP Dr Yee , PP Graham and myself presented the REF in brief . We also gave each person a file containing the powerpoint presentation and the mentors guide. Our awardee Darshini was also there to share her views. Cheong Pui Yee also sent her written testimonial . I believe we laid down a convincing case of the project. 9 Rotary clubs were represented ( Titiwangsa, Bangsar, PJ, Sunway,Gombak,Shah Alam, Seremban, Kulim and Pantai Valley ) . Our Technical Advisors had very good meetings with their respective clubs and the pilot clubs went away with their plans and determination. There is likely to be some minor reshuffle of TA s and their paired clubs. More clubs showed up than we expected. Thanks to Pres Ghaurry and DG Mansoor whose presence was encouraging. Yayasan Chair Dato Low Teong mentioned about Rotary's contribution to the community will be identified with Education. The Yayasan will be the safety net for all the pilot clubs . It will be considering setting up a Education fund to fund the various REFs to encourage more RCs to get involved. Rtn Kingsley thanks for handling the registration , while Rtn Steven Lim took all the pictures. All our Rotarians shared their experiences to encourage the pilot clubs. Thanks Angels you have given the programme a good start.

RCBKS Nomination for Board of Directors RY 2012/14 Open on: 17 November 2012 Close on: 7 Decembr 2012 President's Fellowship/ Deepavali Celebration Date: 25 November 2012 Venue: Maharaj@Jalan Gasing Time: 7.30PM 78th District Conference Date: 7 - 9 December 2012 Venue: Sunway Resort Hotel DG's Official Visit Date 15 December Venue: Bukit Kiara Club Steve & Gerrie's Christmas Extravaganza Date: 25 December Venue: Santa's Grotto (S&G's place) Time: Makan time of course

Duty Roster
17 November (Membership)

Rotary Information
The RI Board decided to rename the Declaration of Rotarians in Business & Professions to the Rotary Code of Conduct. As a Rotarian, I will 1. Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and activities 2. Use my vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary 3. Conduct all of my personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an example to others 4. Be fair in all dealings with others and treat them with the respect due to them as fellow human beings 5. Promote recognition and respect for all occupations which are useful to society 6. Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in my community 7. Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or reflect adversely on Rotary or fellow Rotarians 8. Not seek from a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship

Sargeant-at-arms Desk Duty Introducer Thank Speaker Fines

Sunny Karen Aravind Kong James

1 December (Club Admin) Sargeant-at-arms Desk Duty Introducer Thank Speaker Fines Graham Kingsley Steve Mike Peter

Visit our website @ www. rcbks.org.my

Board of Directors 2012/13

President Ghaurry 017-3854905 President Elect James Cheong 012-2214543 Immediate Past President Steve Robinson Vice President Cecelia Matuya Honorary Secretary Mike Carr 012-2822999 Honorary Treasurer Angie Ng Club Administration Steven Lim Service Projects PP Karen Chong The Rotary Foundation PP Frances Po Public Relations Tan Siew Hwa Membership PP Aravind Viswanathan REF Chairman PP Graham Bennett Sargeant-at-arms PP Tan Poay Lim
Vocational Service Chair - Poay Lim Community Service Chair -Dr Sanjay International Service Chair - Alvin New Generation Chair - Susan


In 1917, RI President Arch C. Klumph proposed that an endowment be set up for the purpose of doing good in the world. In 1928, when the endowment fund had grown to more than US$5,000, it was renamed The Rotary Foundation, and it became a distinct entity within Rotary International. Five Trustees, including Klumph, were appointed to hold, invest, manage, and administer all of its property as a single trust, for the furtherance of the purposes of RI.Two years later, the Foundation made its first grant of $500 to the International Society for Crippled Children. The Great Depression and World War II both impeded the Foundations growth, but the need for lasting world peace generated great postwar interest in its development. After Rotarys founder, Paul P. Harris, died in 1947, contributions began pouring into Rotary International, and the Paul Harris Memorial Fund was created to build the Foundation. That year, the first Foundation program the forerunner of Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarships was established. In 1965-66, three new programs were launched: Group Study Exchange, Awards for Technical Training, and Grants for Activities in Keeping with the Objective of The Rotary Foundation, which was later called Matching Grants. The Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants program was launched in 1978, and Rotary Volunteers was created as a part of that program in 1980. PolioPlus was announced in 1984-85, and the next year brought Rotary Grants for University Teachers. The first peace forums were held in 1987-88, leading to the Foundations peace and conflict studies programs . Throughout this time, support of the Foundation grew tremendously. Since the first donation of $26.50 in 1917, it has received contributions totaling more than $1 billion. To date, more than one million individuals have been recognized as Paul Harris Fellows. Such strong support, along with Rotarian involvement worldwide, ensures a secure future for The Rotary Foundation as it continues its vital work for international understanding and world peace.

District 3300
District Governor Mansoor Saat 019-323 7630 mansoor.saat@gmail.com Assistant Governor Michael Foong 012-201 2288 foong.michael@gmail.com Rotary Clubs in Group 7 Bernam Valley Bukit Kiara Sunrise Pantai Valley Petaling Jaya Tropicana Damansara

Sister Clubs
RC Bugis Junction [D 3310] Saturday, 08:00 am Tanglin Club 5 Stevens Road, Singapore RC ChiangmaiThinthaingam[D 3360] Thursday, 12.00 noon International Center Chiangmai University, Thailand RC Chungli Chung Shing [D 3500] Thursday, 12.00 noon No 4, Ln 10, Gwo-Ti Street Chungli, Taiwan

Bulletin Committee
Sunny (Editor) Poay Lim/ Mike (Prod) Siew Hwa (Speakers Programme)

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