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Act IV Scene III

1. 2. 3. 4. The play is said to be a breach of a family ties. Illustrate this from the play. The characters of the play are as the time is. Discuss this statement. How did Cordelia receive the letters of Kent? Discuss the following, giving any alternative reading, There she shook The holy water from her heavenly eyes, And clamour moisturized. 5. Explain the following:(a) Else one self mate and mate could not beget Such different issues. (b) Some dear cause Will in concealment wrap me up awhile. 6. Why did the King of France return to France? Whom did he leave in command of his forces?

Act V- Scene III

1. What do you consider to be the relation of the Quartos and Folios to the original version of the play? 2. What considerations lead us to believe that Shakespeare was acquainted with the play of King Leir and his three daughters? 3. By whom, and on what occasions were the following spoken? Give any necessary explanations:(a) I was contracted to them both: all three Now marry in an instant. (b) I have seen the day, with my good biting falchion, I would have made them skip. (c) I have a journey, sir, shortly to go; My master calls me, I must not say no. 4. Show that a fool both emphasizes and relieves the tragedy of the play. 5. Comment upon the rhythm of the following lines; (a)You shall have ransom, let me have surgeons. (b) If more the more hast thou wronged me. (c) His nights grow riotous and himself upbraids me. (d) With the ancient of war on our proceedings.

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