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I'm glad that you are enjoying your practicum, Peg.

We all think that you are doing a great job! Michelle Rossman Library Program Chair and Systems Librarian Lakeland Community College Library 7700 Clocktower Dr. Kirtland, OH 44094 440.525-7423 Peggy Cox---10/23/2012 06:14:32 PM---Hello Michelle, I began teaching my second class this week, which affects my schedule at the Chardo From: Peggy Cox/PT Faculty/Academic/LCC To: Michelle Rossman/LIB/Academic/LCC@LCC Date: 10/23/2012 06:14 PM Subject: Practicum Student - slight change in schedule for Wednesdays

Hello Michelle, I began teaching my second class this week, which affects my schedule at the Chardon Library, therefore slightly changing my practicum schedule on Wednesdays. As discussed and outlined in my practicum contract, I have been at the Lakeland library on Wednesdays from 9:00am - 4:00pm. ( I worked at the Chardon library at 5:00 on Wednesdays. ) Due to the addition of my Tuesday/Thursday afternoon class for this 8 week session, I now work at the Chardon Library 4:00 - 9:00 on Wednesdays. Therefore, I will need to leave Lakeland at 3:00 instead of 4:00 on Wednesdays. Per your approval, I am observing and work on projects at your library most Saturdays from 9 - 1:00. I observed Paula Blackman this past Saturday, and she allowed me to gain experience preparing for a "one-on-one" student instruction. Since I had observed Emily, Holly, and David teaching the library instruction class for this same assignment, it was a great followup to what I had learned from them. She also allowed me to prepare an ILL request for a dissertation for a faculty member. I also created a list for Michael of the Newbery award winner books that the library did not own, so he could evaluate whether or not to purchase those titles. I will give Michael the list on Wednesday. We also talked about the possibility of adding a spine label sticker on the Caldecott and Newbery award books in your collection, so these award winning books could easily be located. I have some samples and pricing of the Demco labels for consideration, which I will also give to Michael tomorrow. I have been tentatively weeding the children's collection, and I am nearly done. Kathy Fink gave me some suggestions in the area of where she would like to see materials replaced and updated (board books and fairy tales), so I have gathered samples of books for Michael to peruse as possible purchases for the collection. I also have suggestions for newer book-in-series samples to enhance the collection, for him to review. I stopped in to your office late this afternoon, and Linda explained to me you are at the Reference desk in the mornings from 8:00 - 9:00am. If you are not too busy, I will stop by and touch base in the morning, since I am half way through the practicum experience. I am working on my journal, and gathering samples of the projects and tasks I have been doing for my portfolio. You will have access to the portfolio soon. Thank you. I am learning so much! Peggy Cox

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