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SUHAILE AKBAR (215111021) DINESH KUMAR B (215111029) SHIVA V S (215111039) DHANAPAL E (215111072) PRINCE E RICHARDS(215111086)

India Tyres was started by Rastogi brothers in 1951. Rs 1305 crore business by 1998 Fall in sales in last 2years BK Chatterjee, CEO of India Tyres was summoned by Rastogi

brothers to make necessary steps to improve results.

CEO, decides to explore new segment by investing Rs 150

crore in radial tyres manufacturing facility.

To increase market share from 11% to 16 % by

Focus on satisfying customer need rather than cost

Understanding the customer need would be critical

to companys success in new segment.

Thus, TQM implementation became a compulsion

to achieve the objective.

4 stages of implementing TQM ( Garg)

Stage I Formalizing Vision Statement

Stage II Communicate companys Vision to employees Stage III Train them with basics of TQM

Stage IV Implementation

Difficulties Faced in TQM Implementation

TQM pre ground work took 26 months Senior officials had less faith in implementing TQM The management urged for results rather than details. TQM is evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Fear of losing current market share.

TQM Re-launch
Focus shifted from long term benefits to short term

benefits. 3 ways to make people believe company is in right track.

Identifying key business drivers in new segment.
Explaining what TQM is and isnt, defining its both long and

short term benefits. Identification of projects that would yield results in short term

TQM implemented in 4 functional areas On time billing & Reducing Defects in

line by 10% linked to customer satisfaction

Immediate result in few months
4 additional project identified

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