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Lesson Observation Feedback

Teacher: Date: Observer: Lesson Type: Level:

Was the lesson coherently staged (e.g. presentation, practice, production)? Did the secondary aims of the lesson feed into the main objective? Were these aims clear to the students? Were the aims appropriate for the sts(level, interests, age?) Were there any useless 'deviations' from the main objective? Did the teacher give clear instructions? Were the instructions confusing to the students? How could teacher talking time be reduced? Did TTT exceed st-st interaction? Were the sts engaged in the activities? Were the sts challenged by the activities? Did the teacher check sts' understanding? Did the teacher use concept check questions? Was there enough drilling? Were sts' difficulties tackled during the lesson? Did the teacher adapt the original lesson plan if necessary? What correction techniques did the teacher use? Did (lack of/too much) correction get in the way of lesson coherence? Was board work relevant to the activities? What supplementary materials would have helped

(e.g presentation, practice, production)? Was there a variety of pace/activity/intensity? Were Ss sufficiently prepared for the activities? Did the sts enjoy the lesson? How was the atmosphere? Were the stated objectives achieved? What did students go away with after the lesson?

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