United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division (Detroit)

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In re: COLLINS & AIKMAN CORPORATION, et al., Debtors. __________________________________________/ Case No. 05-55927-SWR (Jointly Administered) Chapter 11 Hon. Steven W. Rhodes

NOTICE OF APPEARANCE OF SHAWMUT CORPORATION, REQUEST FOR SERVICE OF PAPERS AND REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO MAILING MATRIX PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, pursuant to Section 1109 of Title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. 101 et seq., and Rules 2002, 3017, 9007 and 9010 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, the undersigned appears as counsel for and on behalf of Shawmut Corporation. The undersigned requests service of all notices, applications, motions, orders, pleadings, reports, plans, disclosure statements and any and all papers filed or served in this case, and requests that the names and addresses of the undersigned be added to all mailing matrices or service lists in this case. Neither this appearance nor any subsequent appearance, pleading, claim, or suit is intended to waive (i) Shawmut Corporations right to have final orders in non-core matters entered only after de novo review by a United States district judge; (ii) Shawmut Corporation's right to trial by jury in any proceeding so triable herein or in any other case, controversy, or proceeding related thereto; (iii) Shawmut Corporation's right to have the reference withdrawn by the District Court in any matter subject to mandatory or discretionary withdrawal; or (iv) any other rights, claims, actions, defenses, setoffs, or recoupments to which Shawmut Corporation is




or may be entitled under agreements, in law, or in equity, all of which rights, claims, actions, defenses, setoffs, and recoupments Shawmut Corporation expressly reserves.
Respectfully submitted, ERMAN, TEICHER, MILLER, ZUCKER & FREEDMAN, P.C. By: ____/s/ Julie Beth Teicher___________ Julie Beth Teicher, Esq. Erman, Teicher, Miller, Zucker & Freedman, P.C. 400 Galleria Officentre, Suite 444 Southfield, MI 48034 (248) 827-4100 (248) 287-4106 (fax) jteicher@ermanteicher.com Peter Nils Baylor Nutter, McClennen & Fish, LLP World Trade Center West 155 Seaport Boulevard Boston, MA 02210-2604 (617) 439-2390 pbaylor@nutter.com Co-Counsel for SHAWMUT CORPORATION, successor-in-interest to R. H. Wyner Associates, Inc.

Dated: August 10, 2006

F:\CHAP11\Collins & Aikman\appearance (Shawmut).doc

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