The Role of Public Prosecution in The Death of Sergei Magnitsky

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The role of public prosecution in the death of Sergei Magnitsky Sergei Magnitsky, "Inaction of General Prosecutor is considered to be illegal,

violating my constitutional rights under the Constitution of the Russian Federation."

The examination of the complaints of Sergei Magnitsky showed that many of his treatment on gross violations of his rights, illegal arrest and harassment, denial of medical care were addressed personally to the General Prosecutor Yuri Chaika. In his complaints Magnitsky required the personal intervention of the General Prosecutor Chaika to ensure justice in his case, and due process of his civil rights. Sergei Magnitsky was denied to his treatment . His death was not prevented because of the inaction of prosecutors . In his written complaint on August 17, 2009, first published on our website ( # D184), Sergei Magnitsky wrote: "On 10 June 2009, I appealed to the General Prosecutor of RF against the actions of the deputy chief of the General prosecutor's Office for supervision of major case investigation Pechegin A. I .... In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 124 CCP RF lawers review the complaint in three days from the date of receipt ... Notwithstanding the above provisions of the law about the outcome of my complaint on 10 June 2009 and a decision of the General Prosecutor I have not received yet. This omission of the General Prosecutor I consider as unlawful, violating my constitutional rights under Article 33, 45.52 of the Constitution of RF, and therefore I will appeal against him and ask the court to note the inaction of the General Prosecutor , expressed in not considering my complaint on June 10, 2009 and failure to notify me of the decision taken on the complaint within the statutory period, that are illegal. " Two months before the death of Sergei Magnitsky, 11 September 2009, Magnitsky's lawyers demanded the intervention of the General Prosecutor Chaika, to stop illegal persecution of Magnitsky, exert pressure by investigators and that he had received medical care (see: http:// / # D165). In a month to this appeal , October 9, 2009, he got the refusal, signed by the General Prosecutor's Office employee Pechegin A. I (see: # D181). Five months before the death of Sergei Magnitsky authorized representative of the Council of Europe and the leaders of the International Bar Association personally appealed to the General Prosecutor Yuri Chaika, who asked to investigate the situation and free Magnitsky from unlawful arrest (see: / docs/D42.pdf, # D103). These calls were not answered. Sergei Magnitsky himself repeatedly complained actions of the prosecutors, who must supervise the investigation and guarantee his rights, but in practice, prosecutors (Burov A. and Pechegin A.I) not only failed to exercise proper control over the investigation, but also unnecessarily dismiss a complaint of Magnitsky concerned the illegal actions of the investigators, allowing them to exercise tyranny for Sergei. Appeal of Magnitsky to the General Prosecutor on the illegal actions of his subordinates was unanswered. This forced Sergei Magnitsky to complain about the actions of the General Prosecutor Chaika in Tver Court of Moscow. In the complaint filed in August 17, 2009 Magnitsky pointed to the lack of its response to the complaint within two months by the General Attorney, as well as the illegal actions of subordinates of Chaika, who not considered the complaint of Magnitsky about the actions of

the investigator at the Ministry of Interior SK Silchenko and instead sent them to the investigator Silchenko, i.e. a person whose actions are appealed. In previous complaints to the General Prosecutor Sergei Magnitsky appealed the actions of the General Department Prosecutor Burov A.V., who didn't "carry out an inspection of my complaint to the actions of the investigator at the Ministry of Interior IC related to my transfer from the jail to the IVS [detention center] and sent my complaint to these actions to the official, the action of whom I complained., i.e. Investigator Silchenko O.F "and the General's Prosecutor Office employee Pechegin A.I., who directed" unmotivated, which does not meet the requirements of regulations answer "to the previously complaint against his subordinates. In the complaint to the General, Prosecutor Yury Chaika on September 11, 2009 Magnitsky and his lawyers have pointed to the illegal nature of his prosecution investigators and unlawful pressure "Magnitsky S. L and protection repeatedly pointed out that substantiate the charges against him is impossible, as he did not commit any illegal acts, and the documents collected by the investigation, evidence of his innocence ... Realizing the inadequacy of his claims, the investigation actually organized physical and psychological pressure to Magnitsky S.L , the purpose of which is to suppress the will followed compulsion to self-incrimination and to specify other persons "(see full text # D165). Later in the complaint to General Prosecutor Yuri Chaika, Magnitsky and his lawyers pointed to violations of Magnitsky, including "refusal in health care, which was reflected in the fact that the first time he got to the doctor only after 30 days of treatment with a written statement about , in not carrying out assigned previously scheduled medical and surgical treatment". The complaint stated that the prosecutor has the right at any time to visit the agencies and institutions under the supervision of the execution of the law, to require the administration to create conditions for their rights, and requested "to demand information about the applications and complaints of Magnitsky's response to them, the details of the designated Magnitsky examination and treatment, medical examinations. "October 9, 2009, signed by the employee Pechegin A.I received a reply that the violations were identified and prosecution response is required. On November 16, 2009, Sergei Magnitsky died in custody. Recall that Sergei Magnitsky died from torture and denial of medical care in the detention center, where he was placed by law enforcement officers of MUP against whom he had previously testified about their involvement in the theft of 5.4 billion rubles, paid by the Hermitage Fund in the form of taxes. Since embezzlement of personal wealth of members of the MUP staggeringly increased. (See the complaint of the former head Sergei Magnitsky ( and movies on youtube (

The Prosecutor's Office have provide legality and respect for civil rights during the investigation by the law. This was not done for Sergei Magnitsky.

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