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0786501753 :

Question Tags

( )

. -3
( is - are - am - was - were have has had will shall can would should - could )

isn't - aren't am not wasn't weren't haven't hasn't hadn't won't shan't can't )
( wouldn't - shouldn't couldn't

? We haven't got any choice , have we -1

? You can't walk from here . can you -2
? It is some times difficult to get a signal , isn't it -3
? They are playing football . aren't they -4
? She won't be very happy , will she-5
? He was at school yesterday . wasn't he -6

?., Rami is very late -1

( isn't he
, is he , doesn't he )
?. , After the accident the man couldn't his hands -2
(could he , couldn't he , can he )
?. , Nadia has lost her hand bag -3
( has she , does she , hasn't she )
?.. , The children are playing football -4
( are they , do they , aren't they )
? , You have just bought anew mobile -5
( have you , do you , haven't you )
? , Your phone is black and silver -6
( isn't it , is it , doesn't it )
?.. , They will go to the cinema -7
( will they , won't they , do they )
? , Muna wasn't late yesterday -8
( was she , did she , wasn't she )

0786501753 :

0786501753 :

( don't - doesn't - didn't )
-: ( he - she - it) ( s) ( doesn't ) -1
? She goes to school every day , doesn't she
? Ali watches TV every night , doesn't he
-: ( they we you I) ( s) ( don't ) -2
? The children play tennis at school , don't they
? You phone me every day , don't you
-: ( didn't ) -3
? They came early yesterday , didn't they
? My father visited Petra last week , didn't he
( don't - doesn't didn't )
? We don't come early to school , do we
? Nadia doesn't speak English , does she
? The children didn't go with us , did they
( do , does , did , don't , doesn't , didn't)
1-Children ask a lot of questions,..? ( do they , are they , don't they )
2-She goes to college on her bike,..? ( doesn't she , does she , is she )
3- birds don't fly south in the winter,?( were they , do they , don't they )
4-She studies very hard at the weekends,? ( doesn't she , does she , is she )
5- My father watches television most evenings,..? ( doesn't he , does he , is he )
6-He doesn't understand Arabic,.? ( doesn't he , does he , isn't he )
7-Ali played with his brother last week,..? ( was he , didn't he , did he )
8-Big dogs like a lot of exercise,? ( are they , do they , don't they )
9-Hes very naughty he pushes other children,? ( doesn't he , does he , isn't he )
( Lessons started at 8.35 yesterday , ,? ( didn't they , did they , were they-10
( The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea , .? ( does it , is it , doesn't it -11
( You don't have to make an effort to write an email , .? ( are you , do you , don't you -12
( You phoned me yesterday , ? ( didn't you , did you , don't you -13

-: ? ( shall we )
?.. , Lets go to the park
( shall we , do they , are we )

( Lets )

0786501753 :

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