Scheduling Order Regarding Final Fee Application of KZC Services, LLC and John R. Boken

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In re: Collins & Aikman Corp., Debtor. ___________________________/ Case No. 05-55927-R Chapter 11

Scheduling Order Regarding Final Fee Application of KZC Services, LLC and John R. Boken On January 24, 2008, a hearing was held on the final fee application of KZC Services, LLC and John R. Boken [8555]. At the hearing, the following scheduling dates were set by the Court: 1. Discovery shall conclude by March 24, 2008. 2. A Joint Final Pretrial Order prepared in accordance with L.B.R. 7016-1(E.D.M.) must be submitted to Judges chambers no later than one week before the Final Pretrial Conference. This proposed order must be submitted electronically, through the Court's order submission program. In the portion of the Joint Final Pretrial Order designated Issues of Law to be Litigated, each party shall provide after each listed issue, that partys three strongest reported cases in support of its view of the law. 3. A final pretrial conference will be held on April 7, 2008, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 1825, 211 W. Fort Street, Detroit, Michigan. 4. Trial regarding the final fee application [8555] will be held on April 22, 2008, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 1825, 211 W. Fort Street, Detroit, Michigan.

Signed on January 30, 2008 /s/ Steven Rhodes Steven Rhodes Chief Bankruptcy Judge




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