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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE

1. Introduction
The online auction system is a model where we participate in a bid for products and service. This auction is made easier by using online software which can regulate processes involved. There are several different auction methods or types and one of the most popular methods is English auction system. This system has been designed to be highly-scalable and capable of supporting large numbers of bidders in an active auction. Online Auctioning System has several other names such as e-Auctions, electronic auction etc. The requirement for online auction or online bidding can be more accurately specified by the client. It should be healthy and will be a good practice when it is made more transparent as a matter of fact. Online Bidding has become more wide spread in all sorts of industrial usage. It not only includes the product or goods to be sold, it also has services which can be provided. Due to their low cost this expansion made the system to grow. The these web application is intended to provide complete solutions for vendors as well as customers through a single get way using the internet as the sole medium. Online bidding has become a standard method for procurement process. Bidders ca be maintained in a single database according to the preference, and they can be monitored. Users data can be maintained in a confidential way for validity and integrity of contractual documentation. Neat reporting reduces paperwork, postage, photocopying and time beneficial. Multiple bidders can be communicated with a great ease. This system allows multiple bids by single users. Online bidding is based upon lowest or the highest price which is initiated but not the best value for the product. Although there is a chance to fix the criteria against the fact expected to have desired value by the seller.

Sri Vaishnav Institute Of Technology & Science ,Indore

Enterprise Application Development using J2EE

2. Industrial Profile
2.1 Introduction
TECHNOSOFT INFORMATICS is a leading Brand in the field of IT and Corporate Training where latest technologies, innovative training methodologies and quality education are blended together for the creation of unique learning experience and is recognized as one of the fastest growing and most experienced Software Development Company.TechnoSoft Informatics is also a Center of Education for anything and everything about Software Training and a IT Services Center, offering a wide range of end-to-end services in the IT Sector. We are giving a platform to the IT professional/Students and those who believe in taking part with high quality. Our team is a complete and strategic mix of professionals from Designing to Development on various platforms with the latest technologies. We have successfully delivered numerous projects in the areas of Advanced Web Applications, Web Designing, Online application development, Ecommerce Solutions, Mobile Application Development. We Offer Induction training programs for many of our customers in the IT industry, for their fresh programmer recruits. IT companies typically recruit fresh software professionals from engineering colleges, universities offering computer science courses, as well as other private institutes. These professionals have some formal exposure to common programming languages and other platforms. However, the recruiting companies usually provide additional training to these people before they can be put on to live projects.

2.2 Recent Live Projects

Techno Soft services help our clients to meet their goals, keep their competitive edge, keep pace with the speed of business and deliver products and services that satisfy their customers demands. Our objective is to work along with you and help you achieve your business goals by delivering services that simplify and streamline your IT environment for operational excellence. From a simple database website development to complex web based solutions; we intend to offer one stop solution for all your web related requirements. We offer a bunch of services including

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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE

E-Commerce Website Development, Website Designing & Development, Enterprise Application Development, Mobile Application Development, Redesigning & Migration Services Open Source Development Cloud Computing Development Software Testing

So, whether it is corporate website design and web application development or from a small to a large workflow mobile application development (Java, Windows Mobile, iPhone, Gphone Android development)projects, TechnoSoft Informatics has expertised to provide perfect solutions & Service to its customers. We offers industry's best practices including RUP and Agile development methodologies. We have specialists, top of the class industry certified software development professionals for every aspect of software development- specification, scope verification, analysis, architecture, component design, UI design, development, testing, quality assurance, documentation, and support.

2.3 Technology
TechnoSoft Informatics is a center of education for anything and everything about Software Training. In these campus latest technologies, innovative training methodologies and quality education are blended together for the creation of unique learning experience. We are giving a platform to the IT professionals/Students and those who believe in taking part with high quality. Training covers Lecture sessions, Lab Sessions, Case Studies, Research session, Analysis session, Designing session and development sessions. Well researched and quality course training modules have been designed by IT industry experts who possess years of experience in this field. All the courses are enriched with a high end curriculum and they are imparted to the

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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE students by an experienced group of professionals. The courses offer complete value in every way as they have been planned as per the changing innovations in the IT industry. TechnoSoft Informatics Offers wide Range Of following IT training courses:
Advanced Applications Programming- Core Java, Advanced Java,,,,

Silverlight, Web Services, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, and PHP. J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) Platform- Hibernate, Struts, spring, XML, WebLogic, Web Services. Mobile Applications Programming- Android, iPhone, J2ME, Blackberry, Symbian. Database Management-Oracle, PL/SQL, MySQL, SQL Server.

Sri Vaishnav Institute Of Technology & Science ,Indore

Enterprise Application Development using J2EE

3. Project Description
3.1 Introduction of Project
Sell n Buy Zone is a web application which facilitates Online Auction. Sell n Buy Zone is an
online auction web site aimed at taking the auction to the fingertips of aspiring bidders there by opening up the doors of the "OPEN Auction House' to a wider cross section of Electronics Lovers. This site also acts as an open forum where buyers and sellers can come together and exchange their products. The site makes sure that the sellers get a fair deal and buyers get a genuine product. The selling price in an

auction is determined by the bids made by interested buyers. The price they bid is based on their own valuation and need for the product. The product is sold to the highest bidder. A potential buyer participates by bidding on an item that a seller has listed. The person who has offered the highest bid at close of auction wins the right to purchase the item at that price.

3.2 Problem Domain

The problem with public auction is that the participation of the general public is very limited. The aim of the project is to socialize the auction so that people from far & wide and even across the continent can participate in it. The " Sell n Buy Zone " site is developed with a vision to wipe out the inherent problems of "Conventional Auction House". Existing System has Some Drawbacks: Participation of the general public is very limited. Bidders need to attend the place of bidding. Time taking process. No possibility of automatic bidding. Presence of bidder is compulsory.

Sri Vaishnav Institute Of Technology & Science ,Indore

Enterprise Application Development using J2EE

3.3 Solution Domain

The slogan of the new site is AAA, 'Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere'. That what it really is? The "Sell n Buy Zone" is online auction house so the seller or bidder doesn't need to go anywhere, instead they can take part in the auction just sitting in the comfort of their living room, be it during the day or night. The proposed computerized Sell n Buy Zone site has made auction process simple. The only pre-condition is that the user must register and authenticate before he/she can take part in the bidding process. The system uses HTTP forms authentication which creates a session cookie for any signed in user. Throughout the span of the session the cookie remains valid until the user logs out. The salient features of the site are as follows: 1. Paperless Auction System 2. It's accessible to everyone, at any time no matter where they are 3. Reliable user validation & checking. 4. Easy online settlement. Sell n Buy Zone is designed in such a way that it is as user friendly as possible. So any aspiring bidder or seller can visit the site and engage in bidding with least effort.

3.4 Environments
3.4.1 Hardware Environment

Processor: Intel P-3 compatible Processor or above. RAM: Minimum 256 MB of RAM or above. Hard disk space 3.5GB

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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE

3.4.2 Software Environment

1. Web Server : Apache Tomcat 7.0.22 2. Any Web Browser

3.5 Project Definition

Sell n Buy Zone" is an online auction web site aimed at taking the auction to the fingertips of aspiring bidders there by opening up the doors of the "OPEN Auction House' to a wider cross section of Electronics Lovers and Technology Collectors. This site also acts as an open forum where buyers and sellers can come together and exchange their products. The site makes sure that the sellers get a fair deal and buyers get a genuine product. Home Page - The site opens up door to aspiring web users through the Home page. The Home page is designed in such way that the layout is as user friendly as possible. There is a navigational menu at the top of the page which links to various inner pages. There is a category drop down on the left side for easy manipulation. The center area is for displaying latest products in the chorological order.

Login/User Registration - Those who wish to take part in bidding or sell products at the site have to register at the site as seller or buyer. Only authenticated users can take part in selling or in bidding. The system automatically rejects un-authenticated users who try to bid or sell at the site.

Register Products - This module is for presenting items for bidding. Only those who have registered and authenticated as sellers can place their articles for bidding. The Module collects information like Product Name, Product Details, Starting Bid amount, Incremental value etc. The system automatically inputs the closing date.

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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE Bidding Module - The module is for bidding on any selected item. The bidder has to authenticate before participating in bidding. The system checks whether the incremental amount entered by the bidder is equal or more than the incremental minimum set during the product registration time. The system places the record in the bid history against the bidder account.

3.6 Analysis
System Analysis is an investigation into a problem and how a new system will solve it. It is the most essential part of the development of a project of a system analysis. System analysis consists of system element, process and technology.

To analyze a system, has to study the systems in details. The analyst has to understand the functioning and concept of the system in detail, before design the appropriate computer based system that will meet all the requirements of the existing system. The system analyst has to carry out a customary approach to use the computer for problem solving. System analysis includes the following basic concepts Preliminary investigation Requirements specification Feasibility study Detailed investigation Drawing up of strategies Design and coding Testing and training Implementation The above steps constitute the logical framework for the system analysis. After the preliminary investigation and feasibility study, the scope of the defined and comparable items are set forth and hence detailed investigation is executed. This allows the system analyst to comprehend the full scope of the project. Soon after the implementation of the newly developed system, followed by the training of the users, the system analysis is included.
1. Preliminary Investigation 8

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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE When that request is made, the first system activity preliminary investigation begins. The activity has three parts Request clarification-the request from employee may not be well stated. Sometimes the request may not be well defined. Therefore before any system investigation can be considered, the project request must be examined to determine precisely the actual requirements of the organization. Feasibility study- the basic idea behind feasibility study is to determine whether the project is feasible or not. Request approval-all projects that are requested are not desirable or feasible .some organization receives so many projects requests from employee that only a few of them can be pursued. However those projects that are feasible and desirable should put into a schedule. Once the request is approved, the collection of data and determination of requirements can be started. 2. Requirement Specification The primary goal of the system analyst is to understand the requirements of the new system that is to be developed. For that the study of specification of the requirements is very essential. For the development of the new system, a preliminary survey of the existing system will be conducted. Investigation is done whether the up gradation of the system into an application program could solve the problems and eradicate the inefficiency of the existing system. 3. Feasibility Study The basic idea behind feasibility study is to determine whether the project is feasible or not. A feasibility is conducted to identify a best system that meets all the requirements. This includes an identification, description, an evaluation of the proposed systems and selection of the best system for the job.

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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE The requirements of the system are specified with a set of constraints such as system objectives and the description of the out puts. It is then duty of the analyst to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed system to generate the above results. Three key factors are to be considered during the feasibility study.

Operation Feasibility

An estimate should be made to determine how much effort and care will go into the developing of the system including the training to be given to the user. Usually, people are reluctant to changes that come in their progression. The computer initialization will certainly affected the turn over, transfer and employee job status. Hence an additional effort is to be made to train and educate the users on the new way of the system.

Technical Feasibility

The main consideration is to be given to the study of available resources of the organization where the software is to be implemented. Here the system analyst evaluates the technical merits of the system giving emphasis on the performance, reliability, maintainability and productivity. By taking the consideration before developing the proposed system, the resources availability of the organization was studied. The organization was immense computer facilities equipped with sophisticated machines and the software hence this technically feasible.

Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility is the most important and frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed system. It is very essential because the main goal of the proposed system is to have economically better result along with increased efficiency. Cost benefit analysis is usually performed for this purpose. It is the comparative study of the cost verses the benefit and savings that are expected from the proposed system. Since the organization is well equipped with the required hard ware, the project was found to be economically.

4. Design

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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE The basic goal of system design is to plan a solution for the problem. This phase is composed of several systems. This phase focuses on the detailed implementation of the feasible system. It emphasis on translating design specifications to performance specification. System design has two phases of development logical and physical design.

During logical design phase the analyst describes inputs (sources), outputs (destinations), databases (data stores) and procedures (data flows) all in a format that meets the user requirements. The analyst also specifies the user needs and at a level that virtually determines the information flow into and out of the system and the data resources. Here the logical design is done through data flow diagrams and database design. The process of developing the program software is referred to as physical design. We have to design the process by identifying reports and the other outputs the system will produce. Coding the program for each module with its logic is performed in this step. Proper software specification is also done in this step. 5. Implementation Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old system to the new. The old system consists of manual operations, which is operated in a very different manner from the proposed new system. A proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet the requirements of the organizations. An improper installation may affect the success of the computerized system. The implementation plan consists of the following steps. List all files required for implementation. Identify all data required to build new files during the implementation. List all new documents and procedures that go into the new system.


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE The implementation plan should anticipate possible problems and must be able to deal with them. The usual problems may be missing documents; mixed data formats between current and files, errors in data translation, missing data etc.

6. Testing System testing is a critical aspect of Software Quality Assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error. A good test is one that has a probability of finding an as yet undiscovered error. The purpose of testing is to identify and correct bugs in the developed system. Nothing is complete without testing. Testing is the vital to the success of the system. In the code testing the logic of the developed system is tested. For this every module of the program is executed to find an error. To perform specification test, the examination of the specifications stating what the program should do and how it should perform under various conditions.

3.7 Tools and Technology

3.7.1 Front End J2EE, Hibernate, Struts. Web Server: Apache Tomcat 7.0.22 Web Designing:HTML, DHTML, CSS Web Development Tools: Dream Weaver, Expression Web.

3.7.2 Back End MySQL, SQLyog


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE

4. GUI of Module


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE

5. Conclusion
On-line bidding for construction products and services should be considered a method for purchasing only if it is used in a proper context, within a sound procurement process, and under the right expertise. It still carries some adversarial aspects embedded in any on-line bidding process, and lessening those aspects and their impacts will come through better guidance and practice codes for implementing the on-line bidding method.

Advantages Many of the advantages listed can also be found in other procurement processes. Preferred bidders are all contained within a single database Bidders can be monitored Good control of bidders submissions Easy comparison of bids Confidence in validity and integrity of contractual documentation Time benefits: reduction in paperwork, postage, photocopying Ease and speed of communication to multiple bidders Audit trail for documentation Secure bidding environment Better efficiency in the process Potential for access to competitors bids The ability to submit more than one bid

Disadvantages Again, many of the disadvantages listed can also be found in other procurement processes. E-Auctions do not appear to take into account the current innovative industry practices for procurement in the construction industry. The perception of online bidding is based upon lowest price rather than the best value initiative as set out in Re-Thinking Construction, although the client has the opportunity to set the criteria against factors such as quality and

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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE performance.Re-Thinking Construction also seeks to discourage tendering as wasteful, recommending instead the development of partnering and teamworking arrangements; e-auctions could continue to reinforce industry fragmentationat the expense of such arrangements. The time pressure to submit a bid lower than that shown on the screen may lead to errors of judgment. Contracts subsequently awarded under the on-line bidding process may therefore, create an even greater likelihood of errors, disputes, bad faith and an increased risk of claims than in traditional tendering processes. Where there is insufficient weighting, there may be a risk of cut-throat pricing by bidders where corners may be cut and quality compromised. As with all procurement processes, there may be jurisdictional issues to be clarified. Because of the time pressure, it is very difficult (if not impossible) in real time to include the bids of the entire supply chain in the bidders bid. The process can lack transparency when it comes to evaluation procedures by the client where those procedures are not seen by the bidders. The process might still discourage firms from taking part because of the perception that the process depends solely on low price bidding. Bidders may not be given the opportunity to negotiate or discuss their contract terms prior to taking part in the e-Auction; nor may they have time to check with their insurers to ensure that the contract will be covered under their policies. This may therefore, result in many uninsured risks. Unscrupulous clients could introduce ghost bidders. Further information on this can be found in an e-Ethic statement issued by the CIPS.


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Enterprise Application Development using J2EE



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