Fundamental Rights

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Fundamental Rights acc to the Articles in Indian Constitution

Article 13 Article 14 Article 15 Article 16 Article 17 Article 18 Article 19 Justifiability & Amendability of Fundamental rights. Equality before the LAW Prohibition of Discrimination on ground of Religion, race, caste, sex or birth place Equality of opportunity in matter of public employement Abolition of Untouchability Abolition of Title Right to Freedom # Right to freedom of Speech & expression # Right to assemble piecefully & without Arms # Right to form Association & Union # Right to move freely through out Indian Territory # Right to reside & settle in any part of India # Right to property (Repealed) # Right to practice any Profession Protection against Conviction # Protection against ex-post facto law # Protection against double jeopardy # Protection against self Incrimination Right of Protection of Life & personal Liberty # Art 21(A) Right to Education Safeguard against Arbitrary Arrest & Detention Right against Exploitation Ban on traffic in human being & forced Labour Employement of Children RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF RELIGION Protection of Interest of Minorities Right of Minorities to establish & administer Educational Institutions Right to move Supreme court for any Voilation of FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS Right to Constitutional Remedies

Article 20

Article 21 Article 22 Article 23 Article 24 Article 25 Article 26 Article 27 Article 28 Article 29 Article 30 Article 31 Article 32


or birth place

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